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Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin SC

RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in cereals and feed with a…

Product: PuriTox Aflatoxin

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 from peanuts.


Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1…


The ready-to-use mycotoxin standard solution is at a concentration of 1,000 ng/ml and can be used to prepare a calibration…


Immunoaffinity columns are used in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of fumonisins B1 and B2 in a wide…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS ECO

RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in a test strip format to determine aflatoxin (sum B1, B2,…


Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1…


Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and ochratoxin A in a wide range of…

Highlight: Analytical efficiency

Laboratories face the challenge of analyzing more samples in a shorter time. Automation and other innovative solutions meet these requirements.

Product: EuroProxima Bacitracin

EuroProxima Bacitracin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of Bacitracin in urine, tissue, milk, feed and egg.

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation white

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated:…

Page: Mostarda

The three W’s of Vitamin B12

Product: KOBRA® CELL

Electrochemical cell for the derivatisation of aflatoxins B1 and G1 using HPLC.

Product: RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin M1

RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin M1 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk powder.

Product: EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 sensitive

EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 sensitive is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk, cheese, butter…

Product: EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 fast

EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 fast is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk, cheese and…

Product: SureFood® PREP Basic

This kit is intended to be used for the extraction of animal and plant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from raw materials…

Product: EuroProxima Bacitracin Spiking Solution

EuroProxima Bacitracin Spiking Solution can be used for the production of positive control samples suitable for the validation (e.g. determination…

Product: RIDA®CUBE L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Acetic acid

UV-method for the determination of Acetic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with…

Product: RIDA®CUBE SO2-Total

UV-method for the determination of SO2-Total (free and bound sulfite) in wine, must and other food products. The enzymatic test…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose

UV-method for the determination of Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose (without differentiation) in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed…

Product: RIDA®CUBE D-Glucose / D-Fructose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose / D-Fructose (without differentiation) in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for…

Product: RIDA®CUBE D-Glucose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Ammonia

UV-method for the determination of Ammonia (NH4) in food products and other sample materials. The enzymatic test kit is designed…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Lactose / D-Glucose

UV-method for the determination of Lactose / D-Glucose (without differentiation) in food products and other sample materials. The enzymatic test…

Product: RIDA®CUBE D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid (without differentiation) in foodproducts. The enzymatic test kit is designed…

Product: RIDA®CUBE SO2-Free

UV-method for the determination of free sulfite in wine, must and other food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Lactose / D-Galactose

Enzymatic method for the determination of Lactose / D-Galactose (without differentiation) in food products and other sample materials (UV-method). This…

Product: RIDA®CUBE Ethanol

UV-method for the determination of Ethanol in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the…

Product: SureFast® Salmonella ONE

Salmonella spp. detection with real-time PCR Two in one – Salmonella test kit with included DNA preparation The kit is…

Product: SureFood® Apricot

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of apricot (Prunus armenica). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: Lumitester SMART / PD-20 / PD-30 control kit

The check of Lumitester SMART and Lumitester PD-20 / PD-30 operation and the check of sensitivity can be performed by…

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii high

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii white

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii low

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

Product: SureFast® PREP Bacteria

The kit is intended to be used for the isolation of bacteria DNA from food (enrichments, avulsions and swabs).

Product: EuroProxima Beta-Agonist

EuroProxima Beta-Agonistis a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of β-agonists in urine (direct), urine (liquid extraction), faeces liver, kidney,…

Product: EuroProxima Beta-Agonist Fast

EuroProxima Beta-Agonist Fast is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of β-agonists on the presence of urine, faeces, kidney,…

Product: ELISA-TEK™ Cooked Meat Beef Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (beef) in cooked samples.

Product: ELISA-TEK™ Raw Beef Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (beef) in raw samples.

Page: Mariscos

News: Desbloqueando o potencial da qPCR na produção de vinho para um controle de qualidade aprimorado ()

Na vinificação, o controle e monitoramento de contaminações microbianas são cruciais para a qualidade e segurança do produto final. A PCR em tempo real (Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase) oferece um método preciso e rápido para a detecção de microrganismos, como leveduras e bactérias específicas que podem causar deterioração, e pode ser aplicada em diferentes […]

Product: Enzytec™ Color Iron

This test is a colorimetric assay used mainly in wine laboratories for determination of the Iron (Fe) concentration in wine…

Product: EuroProxima AHD

EuroProxima AHDis a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AHD in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey, shrimps and fish.

Product: EuroProxima AMOZ

EuroProxima AMOZ is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AMOZ in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey and shrimps.

Product: EuroProxima AOZ

EuroProxima AOZ is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AOZ in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey and shrimps.

Product: EuroProxima SEM

EuroProxima SEM is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of SEM in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey, shrimps and…

Product: Pipette tips, 5 – 200 µL

BrauBievale 2024

Junte-se a nós na BrauBeviale em Nuremberg/Alemanha e descubra nossos kits de PCR em tempo real GEN-IAL! Explore nossos mais recentes Kits de PCR em tempo real multiplex com tubos pré-revestidos – projetados para a detecção precisa de bactérias e leveduras que causam deterioração da cerveja. Encontre nossa equipe de especialistas, pronta para participar de […]

Histórico de Alergênicos: Análise de Glúten EN 2022-10

Product: Pipette tips, 200 – 1000 µL

Como detectar facilmente bactérias e leveduras que causam deterioração em cerveja

Real-time PCR – Detektion von Hefen und Bakterien und Wein

Präzise, schnelle und effiziente Analyse für höchste Weinqualität

News: Teste PCR para Glúten: Benefícios e Aplicações no Controle de Qualidade ()

O teste PCR para glúten tem se destacado como uma ferramenta essencial no controle de qualidade de alimentos, especialmente para a detecção precisa e confiável de cereais que contêm glúten. Embora o ELISA seja amplamente recomendado para a quantificação de glúten, o PCR oferece vantagens adicionais, como a confirmação de resultados positivos e a identificação […]

Product: Reaction tube with cap, 1.5 mL

News: Garantia da qualidade do campo à mesa: teste seu arroz ()

Com uma história de mais de 10.000 anos, o arroz se tornou um dos alimentos mais populares em todo o mundo, com a China sendo o maior produtor, seguida pela Índia e Indonésia. O arroz é a commodity agrícola com a terceira maior produção mundial, 90% da qual é proveniente da Ásia e 10% de […]

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Turkey IAAC

The test detects turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Page: Alimentos e rações

Page: Tremoço

News: Semana mundial da alergia: métodos de teste de alergênicos alimentares ()

A Semana Mundial da Alergia oferece uma excelente oportunidade para aumentar a conscientização sobre alergias alimentares, segurança e testes. Neste artigo, exploraremos as alergias alimentares, recalls recentes de alimentos devido a alergênicos não declarados, os alergênicos mais comuns envolvidos e as opções de métodos de teste de alimentos. Alergias alimentares As alergias alimentares continuam sendo […]

Page: Organismos geneticamente modificados

Page: Organismos de deterioração

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Test Kits

Assay for the positive identification of species content in highly processed meat and bone meals: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AMOZ)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AMOZ) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of AMOZ in shrimp, fish, meat and poultry.

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut

RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of hazelnut (e.g. traces of hazelnut) in food such…

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Mustard

RIDASCREEN®FAST Mustard is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of mustard in ketchup, sausage and cream cheese.

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AHD)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AHD) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of the nitrofurantoin metabolite AHD in shrimp and…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Peanut

RIDASCREEN® Peanut is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay developed for the quantitative analysis of peanut or peanut proteins in food. Due…

Page: Microbiologia

Page: SMART Lab

Product: SureFood® GMO QUANT T25 Corn

The test detects the relative quantitative T25-Corn DNA amount. Therefore the kit contains two PCR systems, one specific for the…

Product: SureFood® GMO SCREEN CaMV

The test detects CaMV DNA. The presence of CaMV DNA indicates an infestation with the cauliflower mosaic virus. Host of…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL QUANT Pork

The test detects the relative pork DNA amount (Sus scrofa) to the total animal DNA content (amnions) in meat samples.…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Horse/Donkey+IAAC

The test detects horse DNA (Equus caballus) and donkey DNA (Equus asinus) seperately. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Pork SENS PLUS

The test detects pork DNA (Sus scrofa). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control.

Product: SureFast® Legionella pneumophila PLUS

The test detects Legionella pneumophila DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS

The SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of…

Product: SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS

SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of DNA sequences of the Listeria monocytogenes…

Product: SureFast® Legionella Screen PLUS

The test detects Legionella spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex

SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of DNA sequences of the…

Product: SureFast® Salmonella PLUS

The SureFast® Salmonella PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of Salmonella…

Product: SureFast® Clostridium botulinum Screening PLUS

The SureFast® Clostridium botulinum Screening PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT)…

Product: SureFast® Clostridium perfringens PLUS

The SureFast® Clostridium perfringens PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific alpha-toxin DNA sequence…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Cat/Dog+IAAC

The test detects cat (Felis catus) DNA and dog (Canis lupus familiaris) DNA seperately. Each reaction contains an internal amplification…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Horse IAAC

The test detects horse DNA (Equua caballus). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Canola I

The multiplex test detects the following DNA sequences of genetically modified canola: FAM channel: MS8 canola (OECD unique identifier ACS-BNØØ5-8)…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID 4plex Pork/Chicken/Turkey+IAAC

The multiplex real-time PCR test detects pork (Sus scrofa), chicken (Gallus gallus) and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) DNA. Each reaction contains…

Product: SureFast® Cronobacter PLUS

The test detects Cronobacter spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS

SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Cronobacter sakazakii DNA. Each reaction contains…

Product: SureFast® Escherichia coli PLUS

The test detects Escherichia coli DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS

The SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of…

Product: SureFast® Vibrio 4plex

The SureFast® Vibrio 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio…

Product: SureFast® Legionella 3plex

The SureFast® Legionella 3plex is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Legionella spp. and Legionella pneumophila. Each…

Product: SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex

The SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Giardia…

Product: SureFast® Enterobacteriaceae Screening PLUS

The test detects Enterobacteriaceae DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFast® Clostridium estertheticum PLUS

The test detects Clostridium estertheticum DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Soya

The real-time PCR test detects soya DNA (Glycine max) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Cashew

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…