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Product: RIDASCREEN® Egg

RIDASCREEN® Egg is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay developed for the quantitative analysis of native and processed hen´s egg in foods.…

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid Multi-acid standard low & high

The Enzytec™ Liquid Multi-acid standard low (E8460) is intended to be used as a quality-control sample for determinations with the…


Product: EuroProxima Chloramphenicol

EuroProxima Chloramphenicol is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of chloramphenicol in urine, liver, tissue, milk, feed, egg and…

Product: EuroProxima Chloramphenicol Fast

EuroProxima Chloramphenicol Fast is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of chloramphenicol in urine (direct), urine (extraction), liver, tissue,…

Product: ELISA-TEK™ Cooked Meat Beef Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (beef) in cooked samples.

Product: ELISA-TEK™ Raw Beef Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (beef) in raw samples.

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Corn I

The SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Corn I is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of…

Page: Mostarda

Product: RIDA®CUBE D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid (without differentiation) in foodproducts. The enzymatic test kit is designed…


RIDASCREEN®FAST Almond is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of almond or parts of almond in food. As…

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Egg Protein

RIDASCREEN®FAST Egg Protein is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of whole egg (-powder) in food like salad…

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-Galactose

Enzymatic assay for D-Galactose in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Premi®Test Starter Kit

The Premi®Test Starter Kit contains all accesssories for the implementation of Premi®Test (R3900 / R3925): meatpress, incubator, timer and scissor.

Product: PuriTox Trichothecene

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of cereal samples to detect trichothecenes. PuriTox Trichothecene can be used for the…

Product: RIDA®CUBE L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Turkey IAAC

The test detects turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Product: EuroProxima Plus Lactoferrin

EuroProxima Plus Lactoferrin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of lactoferrin in various matrices.

Product: EuroProxima Plus Lactoferrin Fast

EuroProxima Plus Lactoferrin Fast is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of lactoferrin in various matrices.

News: Garantia da qualidade do campo à mesa: teste seu arroz ()

Com uma história de mais de 10.000 anos, o arroz se tornou um dos alimentos mais populares em todo o mundo, com a China sendo o maior produtor, seguida pela Índia e Indonésia. O arroz é a commodity agrícola com a terceira maior produção mundial, 90% da qual é proveniente da Ásia e 10% de […]

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid Acetic acid

Enzymatic assay for the determination of Acetic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Generic Acetic acid

UV-method for the determination of Acetic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Horse/Donkey+IAAC

The test detects horse DNA (Equus caballus) and donkey DNA (Equus asinus) seperately. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Cat/Dog+IAAC

The test detects cat (Felis catus) DNA and dog (Canis lupus familiaris) DNA seperately. Each reaction contains an internal amplification…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Horse IAAC

The test detects horse DNA (Equua caballus). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID 4plex Pork/Chicken/Turkey+IAAC

The multiplex real-time PCR test detects pork (Sus scrofa), chicken (Gallus gallus) and turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) DNA. Each reaction contains…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Poultry IAAC

The test detects poultry DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for vertebrates DNA…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID 4plex Camel/Horse/Donkey + IAAC

The multiplex real-time PCR test detects camel DNA of Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) and of Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus), horse…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID Bt63 Rice

The SureFood® GMO ID Bt63 Rice is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific genetically modified…

Product: SureFood® GMO QUANT RR2Y Soya

SureFood® GMO QUANT RR2Y Soya is a real-time PCR for the detection of the relative Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soya…

Product: EuroProxima AHD

EuroProxima AHDis a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AHD in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey, shrimps and fish.

Product: EuroProxima AMOZ

EuroProxima AMOZ is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AMOZ in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey and shrimps.

Product: EuroProxima AOZ

EuroProxima AOZ is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of AOZ in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey and shrimps.

Product: EuroProxima SEM

EuroProxima SEM is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of SEM in urine, tissue, milk, egg, honey, shrimps and…

Product: bioavid Lateral Flow Macadamia incl. Hook Line

The Lateral Flow Macadamia (Art. No. BLH705-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive…

Product: bioavid Lateral Flow Walnut incl. Hook Line

The Lateral Flow Walnut (Art. No. BLH707-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive…

Product: bioavid Lateral Flow Soy incl. Hook Line

The Lateral Flow Soy (Art. No. BLH712-15) from bioavid is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of…

Product: D-Lactic acid / L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D- and L-lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: SureFood® GMO SCREEN 4plex 35S/NOS/FMV/IAC

This multiplex real-time PCR kit can be used for screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, feed and seeds.…

Melhores práticas para uma gestão eficaz de alergênicos

O seminário online “Melhores práticas para uma gestão eficaz de alergênicos” discute os pontos mais importantes da gestão de alergênicos que você pode aplicar na prática. Descubra como a R-Biopharm pode ajudá-lo a atender às suas necessidades em relação ao monitoramento e detecção de alergênicos. A R-Biopharm convida você a participar do seminário online “Melhores […]

Product: AOF MS-PREP®

AOF MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and fumonisin. The columns lead not…

Product: PuriTox Total Myco-MS

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of 11 mycotoxins. PuriTox Total Myco-MS® (Art. No. TC-MT3000) can be used for…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Pork IAAC

The test detects pork DNA (Sus scrofa). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Chicken IAAC

The test detects chicken (Gallus gallus) DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control and an internal detection assay for…

Product: VitaFast® Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid)

VitaFast® Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) is a test in microtiter plate format for the quantitative determination of vitamin C (L-ascorbic…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AMOZ)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AMOZ) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of AMOZ in shrimp, fish, meat and poultry.

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AHD)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AHD) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of the nitrofurantoin metabolite AHD in shrimp and…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive

RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive is used for the analysis of fermented and hydrolyzed food (e.g. beer, starch syrup, malt extract, sourdough,…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (ready to swab)

RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (ready to swab) can be used as a swab test for the gluten detection on surfaces in the…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut is a real-time PCR for the direct qualitative detection of specific beechnut (Fagus sylvatica) DNA sequences…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut / Hazelnut / Walnut + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut/Hazelnut/Walnut+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific Peanut…

Product: SureFood® GMO Plant 4plex Corn/Soya/Canola+IAC

The SureFood® GMO Plant 4plex Corn/Soya/Canola+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of following…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia / Brazil Nut / Pecan + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia/Brazil Nut/Pecan + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation…

Product: SureFast® Salmonella ONE

Salmonella spp. detection with real-time PCR Two in one – Salmonella test kit with included DNA preparation The kit is…

Page: Micotoxinas

Product: VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid

The VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total pantothenic acid (added…

Product: EuroProxima Domoic Acid

EuroProxima Domoic Acid is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of domoic acid in scallop, mussel and oyster samples.

Product: VitaFast® Folic Acid

The VitaFast® Folic Acid microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total folic acid (added…

Product: Promedia ST-25 (Swab Test)

Sampling device consisting of sterile swab in 10 ml sterile PBS buffer for quantitative detection of microorganisms in environmental samples…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Soya III

The SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Soya III is a multiplex real-time PCR kit for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific coconut (Cocos nucifera) DNA sequences…

FoodRevolution 2024

Rumo a um futuro alimentar sustentável, seguro e saudável! Produtos alimentares sustentáveis, saudáveis e seguros são a norma na indústria alimentar atual. Mas qual é o impacto das novas tendências alimentares, como produtos à base de plantas, up-cycling, mudanças climáticas, “consumo inocente”, biotecnologia, segurança alimentar? Será que esta é a evolução habitual da tecnologia alimentar […]

Product: EuroProxima Oxolinic Acid

EuroProxima Oxolinic acid is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the screening and quantitative detection of oxolinic acid in fish, shrimp…

Product: bioavid Absorbent Buffer

The absorbent buffer (Art. No. BS810-15) is an extraction buffer that can be used for the processing of food samples…

Page: Carnes

Product: AO ZON PREP®

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in a wide range…


Product: RIDA® Aflatoxin column

RIDA® Aflatoxin columns (Art. No. R5001/R5002) are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2,…


Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis  RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of aflatoxins…

Product: bioavid Lateral Flow Almond incl. Hook line

The Lateral Flow Almond (Art. No. BLH701-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive…

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut

RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of hazelnut (e.g. traces of hazelnut) in food such…

Highlight: Analytical efficiency

Laboratories face the challenge of analyzing more samples in a shorter time. Automation and other innovative solutions meet these requirements.

Highlight: Plant-Based Food Analysis

Plant-based food consists mostly or entirely of ingredients derived from plants. This includes grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Plant-based diets have gained popularity in recent years due to their environmental sustainability. Additionally, plant-based diets can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and land use compared to animal-based diets. Many people choose plant-based food to follow a plant-based diet for ethical reasons as well, as it avoids the use of animal products. There are many plant-based foods available, ranging from burgers, chicken nuggets and sausages to several milk alternatives based on almond, oat or soy.

Product: RIDA® mAB P4

Mononoclonal antibody for the detection of prion-protein (PrP) with immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunoblot.

Product: EuroProxima Okadaic Acid

EuroProxima Okadaic Acid is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of domoic acid in scallop, mussel and oyster samples.

bioavid user training – improve your qualitative allergen workflow!

The free-from sector is continually growing within the food industry. Companies involved in this industry require a robust allergen management system that includes the appropriate allergen testing to protect their brand and to ensure consumer safety. The easy-to-use and rapid bioavid lateral flow tests obtain reliable qualitative information about the presence of specific allergen residues […]

Product: SureFood® Apricot

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of apricot (Prunus armenica). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).


RIDASCREEN®FAST Lupine is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of lupine proteins in food (e.g. juices, wine, beer,…

Highlight: Risco Elevado de Micotoxinas na Safra 2024: Prepare-se para os Desafios

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AOZ)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AOZ) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of AOZ in shrimp, meat (chicken, pork, beef),…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Canola II

The multiplex real-time PCR test detects the following DNA-sequences of genetically modified canola: – FAM channel: MON88302 canola (OECD unique…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific pine nut (Pinus spp.)…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin

RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of bacitracin in milk, meat, eggs, feed and urine.

Product: LuciPac® Pen AQUA

The LuciPac® Pen AQUA is a kit for testing cleanliness levels of water and other liquid samples using bioluminescence techniques…

Product: LuciPac® Pen

The LuciPac® Pen allows rapid detection of food and microbial related residues on product contact surfaces as a monitoring tool…

Product: RIDA® mAB L42

Monoclonal antibody for the detection of prion-protein (PrP) with immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunoblot.

Page: Organismos de deterioração

Product: LuciPac™ A3 Surface

The LuciPac™ A3 Surface allows rapid detection of food and microbial related residues on product contact surfaces as a monitoring…

Product: VitaFast® Folic Acid Spiking Standard

Folic acid standard for the use of spiking food, feed and pharmaceutical products.

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation high

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated:…

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation low

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated:…

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation white

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated:…

Product: GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation white

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated:…

Highlight: Wine analysis

Do you want to test beer for beverage spoilers? For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in breweries, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered.

Page: Mariscos

Page: Aflatoxina

Product: VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid Spiking Standard

Ca-pantothenate standard for the use of spiking food, feed and pharmaceutical products.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-/L-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials (without differentiation).

Product: LuciPac™ A3 Water

The LuciPac™ A3 Water is a kit for testing cleanliness levels of water and other liquid samples using bioluminescence techniques…