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Product: SureFood® Apricot

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of apricot (Prunus armenica). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).


RIDASCREEN®FAST Lupine is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of lupine proteins in food (e.g. juices, wine, beer,…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AOZ)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (AOZ) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of AOZ in shrimp, meat (chicken, pork, beef),…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Canola II

The multiplex real-time PCR test detects the following DNA-sequences of genetically modified canola: – FAM channel: MON88302 canola (OECD unique…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific pine nut (Pinus spp.)…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin

RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of bacitracin in milk, meat, eggs, feed and urine.

Page: Ready-to-use media

Product: LuciPac® Pen AQUA

The LuciPac® Pen AQUA is a kit for testing cleanliness levels of water and other liquid samples using bioluminescence techniques…

Product: LuciPac® Pen

The LuciPac® Pen allows rapid detection of food and microbial related residues on product contact surfaces as a monitoring tool…

Page: Tree nuts

Product: RIDA® mAB L42

Monoclonal antibody for the detection of prion-protein (PrP) with immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunoblot.

News: Vitamin series – part 3 of 9: Folic acid ()

“Folic acid is an important vitamin.” But why is that so? What function does folic acid have and which foods are rich in folic acid? Learn more in the 3rd edition of our vitamin series!

News: Wine analysis: How to determine acids in wine ()

An exciting time begins for all the wine enthusiasts: Most wineries have started bottling the 2015 vintage a few weeks ago. Soon, there will be the first presentations of the new vintage – which might be quite unusual. The hot summer in Europe led to a rapid ripening of the grapes, together with a high […]

News: Is PCR relevant for gluten testing? ()

Well, ELISA RIDASCREEN® Gliadin is the reference method as it detects directly the gluten proteins. Why should you be using PCR? Table 1 Overview of qPCR kits and their application fields R-Biopharm – your expert when it comes to gluten analysis R-Biopharm is the world market leader in gluten testing; we provide the widest range […]

Analytica 2024

Visit us at the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and Analytica Conference Five exhibition halls full of expertise: analytica presents innovative products, systems, components and applications for the entire laboratory value chain in industry and research. You are sure to find the right solution for your needs here. Virtual presentation of […]

Product: LuciPac™ A3 Surface

The LuciPac™ A3 Surface allows rapid detection of food and microbial related residues on product contact surfaces as a monitoring…

Product: RIDA®CUBE D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid (without differentiation) in foodproducts. The enzymatic test kit is designed…

Product: VitaFast® Folic Acid Spiking Standard

Folic acid standard for the use of spiking food, feed and pharmaceutical products.

News: Coronavirus: Can you get infected through food? ()

The spread of the coronavirus is causing concern worldwide. Because knowledge of this novel virus is still limited, there is much speculation. For example, there are fears that the virus may also be transmitted through food. Is there any truth to this?

News: R-Biopharm celebrates its 30th anniversary ()

30 years ago, R-Biopharm was founded as a working group with only six employees. Today, it’s a leading developer of test solutions with more than 1,000 employees and subsidiaries and distributors all over the world. Take a look at our timeline and discover what happened on the way.

News: Good allergen management saves lives ()

“Gluten-free”, like “allergen-free”, is on everyone’s lips today. Even if foods are produced without allergens such as peanuts or milk or without gluten, they can be dangerous for allergy sufferers and patients with celiac disease. The reason for this is contamination. Test methods should therefore be integrated into an allergen management system. How should allergen […]

News: Allergen analysis: New challenges, new chances ()

Food allergens are in the focus of two upcoming events: The 2nd Food Allergen Management Symposium (FAMS 2017) which will start on Sunday in Australia, and shortly thereafter the Free From Food Expo in Spain. We have summarized the latest industry trends and the resulting challenges for food analysis.

Page: Gliadin / Gluten

Product: VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid Spiking Standard

Ca-pantothenate standard for the use of spiking food, feed and pharmaceutical products.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-/L-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials (without differentiation).

Product: LuciPac™ A3 Water

The LuciPac™ A3 Water is a kit for testing cleanliness levels of water and other liquid samples using bioluminescence techniques…

Product: EuroProxima Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

A competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in bovine kidney fat.

Product: RIDA®CUBE L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with…

Product: RIDA® QUICK Soya accessory pack

The material of the RIDA®QUICK Soya accessory pack is recommended to accomplish the swab test with the RIDA®QUICK Soya kit…

Page: Product Finder

R-Biopharm offers diverse testing solutions for a wide range of analytes and matrices. See our complete product portfolio here and find the product you need.

Product: bioavid Lateral Flow Hazelnut incl. Hook line

The Lateral Flow Hazelnut (Art. No. BLH704-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive…

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Citrinin

RIDASCREEN®FAST Citrinin assay is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of citrinin in cereals and feed.

Product: SureFast® PREP DNA/RNA Virus

The kit is the ideal tool for the isolation of DNA and RNA viruses nucleic acids from serum, urine, plasma,…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (SEM)

RIDASCREEN® Nitrofuran (SEM) (R3724) is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of semicarbazide (SEM) in shrimp, fish, meat…

Page: Contact

Product: Lumitester SMART / PD-20 / PD-30 control kit

The check of Lumitester SMART and Lumitester PD-20 / PD-30 operation and the check of sensitivity can be performed by…

Product: SureFood® BAC Staphylococcus aureus PLUS LC

[mk_mini_callout title=”Bitte beachten Sie:” button_text=”hier” button_url=””]PLUS V/R/LC Kits werden durch PLUS Kits ersetzt. Zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie[/mk_mini_callout] Mit dem SureFood®…

Product: Enzytec™ Generic D-Gluconic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Gluconic acid (D-Glucono-δ-lactone) in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Generic Citric acid

UV-method for the determination of Citric acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Generic L-Malic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Malic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for D-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-Isocitric acid

Enzymatic assay for the determination of D-Isocitric acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Immunoaffinity Column Accessory Pack

This immunoaffinity column accessory pack for use in conjunction with RBR immunoaffinity columns. Suitable for use with all RBR immunoaffinity…

Product: Enzytec™ Generic D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-/L-Lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Generic L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid L-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for L-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid D-Malic acid

Enzymatic assay for D-Malic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid Citric acid

Enzymatic assay for the determination of Citric acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Succinic acid

UV-method for the determination of succinic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: SureFood® BAC Staphylococcus aureus PLUS R

[mk_mini_callout title=”Bitte beachten Sie:” button_text=”hier” button_url=””]PLUS V/R/LC Kits werden durch PLUS Kits ersetzt. Zusätzliche Informationen erhalten Sie[/mk_mini_callout] SureFood® BAC Staphylococcus…

Product: Enzytec™ Generic L-Ascorbic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Ascorbic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Liquid Formic acid

Enzymatic assay for Formic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

Product: Enzytec™ Generic D-Isocitric acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Isocitric acid in foodstuff and other materials.

Product: Acetaldehyde

UV-method for the determination of acetaldehyde in foodstuffs and other materials.

Product: SureFood® GMO QUANT T25 Corn

The test detects the relative quantitative T25-Corn DNA amount. Therefore the kit contains two PCR systems, one specific for the…

Product: SureFood® GMO SCREEN CaMV

The test detects CaMV DNA. The presence of CaMV DNA indicates an infestation with the cauliflower mosaic virus. Host of…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL QUANT Pork

The test detects the relative pork DNA amount (Sus scrofa) to the total animal DNA content (amnions) in meat samples.…

Product: SureFood® ANIMAL ID Pork SENS PLUS

The test detects pork DNA (Sus scrofa). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control.

Product: SureFast® Legionella pneumophila PLUS

The test detects Legionella pneumophila DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS

The SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of…

Product: SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS

SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of DNA sequences of the Listeria monocytogenes…

Product: SureFast® Legionella Screen PLUS

The test detects Legionella spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex

SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of DNA sequences of the…

Product: SureFast® Salmonella PLUS

The SureFast® Salmonella PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of Salmonella…

Product: SureFast® Clostridium botulinum Screening PLUS

The SureFast® Clostridium botulinum Screening PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT)…

Product: SureFast® Clostridium perfringens PLUS

The SureFast® Clostridium perfringens PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific alpha-toxin DNA sequence…

Product: SureFast® Emetic Bacillus cereus PLUS

The SureFast® Emetic Bacillus cereus PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific cereulide synthetase…

Product: SureFood® GMO ID 4plex Canola I

The multiplex test detects the following DNA sequences of genetically modified canola: FAM channel: MS8 canola (OECD unique identifier ACS-BNØØ5-8)…

Product: SureFast® Cronobacter PLUS

The test detects Cronobacter spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS

SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Cronobacter sakazakii DNA. Each reaction contains…

Product: SureFast® Escherichia coli PLUS

The test detects Escherichia coli DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

Product: SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS

The SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of…

Product: SureFast® Vibrio 4plex

The SureFast® Vibrio 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio…

Product: SureFast® Legionella 3plex

The SureFast® Legionella 3plex is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Legionella spp. and Legionella pneumophila. Each…

Product: SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex

The SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Giardia…

Product: SureFast® Enterobacteriaceae Screening PLUS

The test detects Enterobacteriaceae DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFast® Clostridium estertheticum PLUS

The test detects Clostridium estertheticum DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific gluten-containing…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Soya

The real-time PCR test detects soya DNA (Glycine max) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Cashew

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Macadamia

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Peanut

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pecan…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pistachio…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Crustaceans

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Crustaceans is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific crustaceans…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Lupin

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of lupin (Lupinus spp.) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Mustard

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Mustard is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific white…

Product: SureFast® Hepatitis E PLUS

SureFast® Hepatitis E PLUS is a real-time RT-PCR for the direct and qualitative detection of hepatitis E virus. The test…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Hazelnut

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of hazelnut (Glycine max) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific walnut…

Product: SureFood® ALLERGEN Celery

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of celery (Apium graveolens) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively.…

Product: SureFood® Oat

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of oat (Avena sativa) qualitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

Product: SureFast® Salmonella Species/Enteritidis/Typhimurium 4plex

The SureFast® Salmonella Species/Enteritidis/Typhimurium 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Salmonella spp.,…

Product: SureFast® Foodborne Pathogens 4plex

The SureFast® Foodborne Pathogens 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Escherichia…

Product: SureFast® Escherichia coli Serotype I 4plex

The SureFast® Escherichia coli Serotype I 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR kit for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation…

Product: SureFast® Escherichia coli Serotype II 4plex

The SureFast® Escherichia coli Serotype II 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of…

Product: SureFast® MRSA 4plex

The SureFast® MRSA 4plex is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).…

Product: SureFast® STEC 4plex ONE

The SureFast® STEC 4plex ONE can be applied for the fast and simple isolation, detection and differentiation of specific DNA…


This kit can be used for screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, feed and seeds. The multiplex test…