bioavid Absorbent Buffer

Art. No.: BS810-15

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bioavid Absorbent Buffer

Art. No.: BS810-15

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Intended use

The Absorbent Buffer kit is particularly suitable for the preparation of polyphenol containing and highly colored samples (for example coffee, cocoa, red wine), as well as samples with a high or low pH. The buffer decolors or neutralizes solutions to avoid false positive results (e.g. highly colored juices).

This buffer is for use with the bioavid lateral flow tests.

General Information

Food Allergens (e.g. milk, peanut, almond, mustard) can elicit allergic reactions in sensitive persons. Food production lines should be free of allergen residues to prevent these allergic reactions. The effectivity of the cleaning process can be determined by the usage of Bioavid Lateral Flow swabbing kits and stripes.

Dip sticks are an easy to use method and provide a fast and reliable analysis. The application of our bioavid dip sticks is very simple and can be handled by untrained personell. All bioavid test kits can be stored at room temperature and therefore they are an ideal tool for direct testing in production facilities. The bioavid test kits contain the complete equipment for the analysis.

Art. NoBS810-15
Test format15 vials (9 ml buffer each)
for 15 samples
Sample preparationAdd 1 ml liquid, 1 g water soluble sample or ground solid sample into the buffer vial (follow the instruction manual).
Incubation time15 - 20 min
EvaluationVisual evaluation
External link IBioavid Homepage - Documents for Absorbent Buffer