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Résultats de recherche pour "ЧТО ПОЧИТАТЬ 〔Что почитать 〕 ЧТО ПОЧИТАТЬ ◻Что почитать ▫ выдающийся site  batmanapollo.ru"

News: Améliorer la traçabilité des contrôles allergènes à l’aide de l’ Application RIDA®SMART APP Allergène ()

Les tests bandelettes allergènes sont un excellent outil pour la détection des résidus d’allergènes alimentaires et la gestion du risque allergènes : rapides, faciles à utiliser, idéales pour le contrôle sur site et sans équipement de lecture.

Highlight: On-site testing

Efficient modern food production requires rapid decisions.

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (ruminant) in meat and bone meals, animals feeds, and cooked and uncooked…

Product: KOBRA® CELL PTFE spacer: 0.25 mm

Replacement PTFE spacer: 0.25 mm for the KOBRA® CELL (RBRK07).

Product: KOBRA® CELL PTFE spacer: 0.1 mm

Replacement PTFE spacer: 0.1 mm for the KOBRA® CELL (RBRK08).

Product: AFLACARD B1

A qualitative screening card for detection of aflatoxin B1 at various levels in food and feed commodities.


A qualitative screening card for the detection of different aflatoxin total levels in food and feed samples.


A qualitative screening card for detection of ochratoxin A at various levels in food and feed commodities.

FoodRevolution 2024

Towards a sustainable, safe, and healthy food future! Sustainable, healthy and safe food products are the norms in nowadays food industry. But what is the impact of new food trends as plant based products, up-cycling, climate change, « innocent consumption », biotechnology, food security? Is this the usual food technology evolution or are we at the eve […]

Product: RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive

RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive is used for the analysis of fermented and hydrolyzed food (e.g. beer, starch syrup, malt extract, sourdough,…

Analytica 2024

Visit us at the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and Analytica Conference Five exhibition halls full of expertise: analytica presents innovative products, systems, components and applications for the entire laboratory value chain in industry and research. You are sure to find the right solution for your needs here. Virtual presentation of […]

Highlight: High risk for mycotoxins this year?

News: Ochratoxine A : Le danger invisible dans votre tasse de café ()

La surveillance et le contrôle des mycotoxines comme l’ochratoxine A dans les aliments impliquent non seulement une analyse de contrôle régulière, mais aussi l’identification des sources d’infection fongique

Page: Technologies

Page: DON (vomitoxine)

Page: Citrinine

Product: KOBRA® CELL Membrane

Replacement membrane for the KOBRA® CELL (RBRK01).

Product: EuroProxima Corticosteroid

This competitive enzyme immunoassay is used for the quantitative determination of corticosteroids in milk, urine, muscle, liver and feed.


RIDA®QUICK DON RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test with water extraction in a test strip format to determine DON…

Product: EuroProxima Tetracycline

EuroProxima Tetracycline is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of tetracyclines in tissue/liver, milk, egg, honey, shrimps and butter.

Product: AO ZON PREP®

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in a wide range…


Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and ochratoxin A in a wide range of…

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Test Kits

Assay for the positive identification of species content in highly processed meat and bone meals: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit…

News: Analyse PCR simplifiée ()

La technologie de PCR en temps réel s’est avérée être une méthode d’analyse fiable et efficace dans de nombreux domaines. Les laboratoires et industries ayant évités jusqu’à présent la mise en place de cette technologie, un nouveau thermocycleur compact et simple d’utilisation est désormais disponible.

Best practices for an effective allergen management

The online seminar « Best practices for effective allergen management » discusses the most important points of allergen management that you can apply in practice. Find out how R-Biopharm AG can support you in meeting your requirements with regard to the monitoring and detection of allergens. R-Biopharm invites you to take part in the online seminar “Best […]

Page: Aflatoxine

Highlight: Quality control

Food and feed analysis imposes many challenges. Certified reference materials, quality control materials and participation in proficiency testing will strengthen your quality assurance.


Page: Microbiologie

News: Six contaminants potentiellement dangereux dans les aliments pour animaux ()

Qu’ils soient destinés aux chats, aux chiens, à la volaille, aux bovins ou aux porcs, les aliments pour animaux doivent être sains et dépourvus de contaminants. Plusieurs rappels de produits ont récemment démontré que cela n’est pas toujours le cas. Voici six contaminants à surveiller de près par les fabricants.

Page: Hormones et anabolisants

Product: DZT MS-PREP®

DZT MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxin. The columns lead…

Product: RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin

RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed.

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon

RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals and feed. The test was…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Gliadin

RIDA®QUICK Gliadin can be used as a swab test for gluten detection on surfaces in the hygiene control, in cleansing…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged)

RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) can be used for gluten detection on surfaces for hygiene control (swab test), in cleansing waters,…

Product: AOF MS-PREP®

AOF MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and fumonisin. The columns lead not…

Product: PuriTox Total Myco-MS

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of 11 mycotoxins. PuriTox Total Myco-MS® (Art. No. TC-MT3000) can be used for…

Product: ThunderBolt®

We offer different automation solutions for your lab’s demand. The ThunderBolt® is a convenient instrument for automated ELISA processing. Automated…

Product: SureCC Color Compensation Kit I

This kit is intended for the generation of color compensation objects for the LightCycler® 480I and II system. With 5…


The compact RIDA®CYCLER is a real-time PCR cycler based on magnetic induction with 4 channels. The user-friendly software, pre-installed with…

Product: EuroProxima Florfenicol-amine

A competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of florfenicol-amine in various matrices.

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Pork Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (porcine) in meat and bone meals, animals feeds, and cooked and uncooked…

Product: MELISA-TEK™ High Sensitivity Extraction Kit

This kit provides a protocol and all materials to improve the sensitivity of the MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit.

Product: EuroProxima Florfenicol

EuroProxima Florfenicol is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the screening and quantitative detection of florfenicol in different commodities.

Page: Kits enzymatiques & colorimétriques

Page: Bactéries pathogènes

Highlight: Analytical efficiency

Laboratories face the challenge of analyzing more samples in a shorter time. Automation and other innovative solutions meet these requirements.

Page: Analyses agro-alimentaires

Page: Organismes d’altération

Page: Sésame

Page: Poisson

Page: Contact

Page: Adultération du lait

Page: Identification des espèces de poissons

Page: PCR en temps réel

Page: Tests bandelettes (allergènes & mycotoxines)

News: Des salmonelles dans les aliments pour bébé ()

Cet incident a provoqué une grande inquiétude en France, mais pas seulement : la présence de salmonelles a été observée dans des aliments pour bébé provenant d’une société laitière française. Plus de 12 millions de boîtes de lait infantile ont été rappelés, et le scandale prend de l’ampleur. Nous vous expliquons ci-dessous en quoi la salmonelle est […]

News: RIDASCREEN® Gliadin ELISA: Le premier test avec la validation « In Food » ()

Saviez-vous que le gluten peut aussi être présent dans les jus de fruits et les bâtonnets de poisson? Le gluten issue de protéines de céréales est fréquemment utilisé pour maintenir la consistance des boissons et des plats cuisinés. Par conséquent, bon nombre de ces produits portent l’étiquette d’avertissement « Peut contenir des traces de gluten […]

Page: Highlights

Highlight: Gestion du risque allergènes.

The Lateral Flow tests (LFDs) incl. Hook Line from Bioavid are immunochromatographic tests for the qualitative detection of residues in environmental samples (e.g. in food production lines), CIP-water and food samples. R-Biopharm offers the new LFDs with included hook line for the five parameters almond, coconut, hazelnut, mustard and peanut – more parameters are in development!

Page: Virus

Page: Moutarde

Page: Produits laitiers

Page: Fruits de mer

Highlight: Beer analysis

Do you want to test beer for beverage spoilers? For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in breweries, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered.