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Search results for "абьюзер это простыми словами абьюзер что это такое простыми словами абьюзер это простыми словами читаем на сайте ---"

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (ruminant) in meat and bone meals, animals feeds, and cooked and uncooked…

Product: RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive

RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive is used for the analysis of fermented and hydrolyzed food (e.g. beer, starch syrup, malt extract, sourdough,…

News: Multiplex real-time PCR test kit beef-sheep-goat -small and large ruminants ()

Particularly innovative:  the first ANIMAL ID Multiplex real-time PCR test kit beef-sheep-goat   Multiplex real-time PCR test kit beef-sheep-goat- small and large ruminants in combination with an internal amplification and animal control (IAAC). A test e.g. for feed or even meat analysis. Using a corresponding 4-channel qPCR thermocycler with the channels FAM, ROX, VIC/HEX and […]

Page: Microbiological assays

News: 4 in one run – First PCR ALLERGEN Multiplex ()

Time savings due to three paramters in one run and included Internal Amplification Control (IAC) provides an inhibition control for each sample without any additional effort. 4-channel system of SureFood® ALLERGEN Peanut/Hazelnut/Walnut + IAC (Art. No. S3402) Detection of Peanut  (FAM) Hazelnut (Cy5) Walnut (ROX) IAC (VIC)   More information here.

Product: AO ZON PREP®

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in a wide range…


Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and ochratoxin A in a wide range of…

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Test Kits

Assay for the positive identification of species content in highly processed meat and bone meals: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit…

Page: R-Bio block library

If text content is not inside a layout block this will happen… When editing an existing page the default layouts are already there. You should only have to use them when creating complex layouts like the homepage. Only use blocks without an underlying layout if you know what you are doing. Only blocks like “hero”, […]

FoodRevolution 2024

Towards a sustainable, safe, and healthy food future! Sustainable, healthy and safe food products are the norms in nowadays food industry. But what is the impact of new food trends as plant based products, up-cycling, climate change, “innocent consumption”, biotechnology, food security? Is this the usual food technology evolution or are we at the eve […]

Best practices for an effective allergen management

The online seminar “Best practices for effective allergen management” discusses the most important points of allergen management that you can apply in practice. Find out how R-Biopharm AG can support you in meeting your requirements with regard to the monitoring and detection of allergens. R-Biopharm invites you to take part in the online seminar “Best […]

News: Celebrating International Beer Day with Quality Assurance ()

On August 2nd, 2024, brewers and beer enthusiasts around the world will raise their glasses to celebrate International Beer Day. As we toast to this much-loved beverage, it’s important to highlight the importance of maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety in beer production. For brewers and testing laboratories, testing methods, such as qPCR, […]

Product: DZT MS-PREP®

DZT MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxin. The columns lead…

Product: RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin

RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed.

Product: RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon

RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals and feed. The test was…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Gliadin

RIDA®QUICK Gliadin can be used as a swab test for gluten detection on surfaces in the hygiene control, in cleansing…

Product: RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged)

RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) can be used for gluten detection on surfaces for hygiene control (swab test), in cleansing waters,…

Product: AOF MS-PREP®

AOF MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and fumonisin. The columns lead not…

Product: PuriTox Total Myco-MS

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of 11 mycotoxins. PuriTox Total Myco-MS® (Art. No. TC-MT3000) can be used for…

Product: ThunderBolt®

We offer different automation solutions for your lab’s demand. The ThunderBolt® is a convenient instrument for automated ELISA processing. Automated…

Product: SureCC Color Compensation Kit I

This kit is intended for the generation of color compensation objects for the LightCycler® 480I and II system. With 5…


The compact RIDA®CYCLER is a real-time PCR cycler based on magnetic induction with 4 channels. The user-friendly software, pre-installed with…

Product: EuroProxima Florfenicol-amine

A competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of florfenicol-amine in various matrices.

Product: MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Pork Kit

Assay for the positive identification of species content (porcine) in meat and bone meals, animals feeds, and cooked and uncooked…

Product: MELISA-TEK™ High Sensitivity Extraction Kit

This kit provides a protocol and all materials to improve the sensitivity of the MELISA-TEK™ Meat Species Ruminant Kit.

Product: EuroProxima Florfenicol

EuroProxima Florfenicol is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the screening and quantitative detection of florfenicol in different commodities.

News: Mycotoxin analysis just keeps getting easier ()

For laboratories carrying out routine mycotoxin analysis and running large numbers of samples every day, it makes good sense to investigate the possibility of automation. Novel reusable immunoaffinity cartridges containing monoclonal antibodies coupled to a pressure resistant polymer (IMMUNOPREP® ONLINE immunoaffinity cartridge) enable automated analysis of mycotoxins when used in conjunction with CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST […]

Page: Mycotoxins

News: RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin: Quantitative Screening of Bacitracin ()

Screening test for bacitracin in milk, meat, eggs, feed and urine   RIDASCREEN® Bacitracin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative screening of bacitracin in milk, meat, eggs, feed and urine.The test kit contains all reagents required for 96 determinations. As the maximum residue limits of the European Union and the Russian customs union […]

News: Multi-mycotoxin analysis: Simultaneous sample purification for 11 mycotoxins ()

Food producers have to comply with specific limit values for mycotoxins. For regular analysis of different mycotoxin concentrations in cereals, multi-toxin analyses are an effective alternative. Such methods allow for the analysis of multiple mycotoxins in one run. For laboratories that use LC-MS/MS for mycotoxin analysis, we have developed new solid phase extraction columns for […]

News: Trichothecenes: Boost your mycotoxin analysis with multi-analyte testing ()

Fungal infections can reduce crop yields and can also give rise to mycotoxin contamination. There are many different types of mycotoxins and they often occur simultaneously. Test methods which detect multiple mycotoxins in a single run make the analysis faster and more effective. Our wide range of products allows you to detect several trichothecenes in […]

News: Allergy-friendly treats for St. Nicholas Day ()

St. Nicholas Day is an important sales driver for the food industry. But what exactly are we celebrating on December 6? Here are some interesting St. Nicholas facts – and 5 tips for filling a stocking for allergy sufferers.

News: Microbial contamination: Are pre-packaged salads a health risk? ()

Pre-packaged salads are often contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses or molds, as a current study reveals. Especially during the warmer months, there is a high risk of microbiological contamination.

News: Coronavirus: Can you get infected through food? ()

The spread of the coronavirus is causing concern worldwide. Because knowledge of this novel virus is still limited, there is much speculation. For example, there are fears that the virus may also be transmitted through food. Is there any truth to this?

News: Meat fraud: Your meal might not be what is says on the label ()

Pork does not belong in a kebab or a beef sausage. However, adulteration of meat products with cheaper pork is a common form of meat fraud. This is a problem – especially for consumers who refrain from eating pork for religious reasons.

News: Buckwheat – a hidden food allergen? ()

Buckwheat is popular in many countries, including Russia, and is usually enjoyed either sweet or hearty, similar to that of semolina. It’s time to take a deeper look at the plant, especially because buckwheat does not contain gluten. Allergy patients, however, must use caution.

Page: Testing laboratories

Page: Real-time PCR

Page: Mustard

News: FDA defines „gluten-free“ for food labeling ()

Finally, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a new regulation for the amount of gluten that may be present in foods marketed as gluten-free. The limit was set to 20 ppm (parts per million). Like many other countries, the US has also followed the recommendations of the CODEX Alimentarius. For the enforcement of […]

News: Spotlight on beer – International Beer Day ()

The first Friday of every August is international beer day. An excellent moment to put the spotlight on 2 quite different quality aspects of beer: gluten content and beer spoilage.

News: How eco-friendly is your mycotoxin analysis? ()

Organic solvents always played an important role in mycotoxin analysis.  However they have a negative impact on the environment and impose a hazard for the lab technician.

News: High levels of ochratoxin A found in dried figs ()

Lately, there has been an increase in the presence of ochratoxin A in dried figs. Our colleagues from R-Biopharm Rhône have summarized the most important information for you.

News: The easiest way to perform on-site enzymatic tests ()

Whether you want to analyze wine, beer, fruit juices, sweets, dairy or meat products: Enzymatic methods for the determination of sugar, acid, alcohol and other food components have become an indispensable part of food analysis. If you want to use enzymatic methods in on-site testing, here’s how it works.

News: Does your chocolate contain allergens? ()

The 7th of July is World Chocolate Day: An excellent moment to put the spotlight on that tasty treat. According to the statistics, we eat around 9 kg of chocolate per year. Yet, many people must avoid chocolate because it may contain allergenic substances.

News: Gluten-free food: Standards and regulations you should know about ()

Producers of gluten-free food must comply with certain requirements in terms of labelling, manufacturing and analysis. From Codex Alimentarius to the AOECS standard and EU regulations: We have summarized the existing legislations – and recent resolutions you should be aware of in 2017.

News: First validated allergen reference material is now available ()

Certified reference material plays a decisive role in food analysis. But so far, suitable material was missing for allergen analysis. Now, MoniQA Association has presented the first validated reference material for the analysis of milk allergen.

News: Improving allergen analysis: Research project receives subsidies ()

Together with the Fresenius University and the Geisenheim University, R-Biopharm is developing an improved ELISA method for the detection of food allergens. The federal state of Hesse is providing financial support for the project – granting funds of around 330,000 euros.

Page: Hormones and anabolics

News: Food fraud: What’s really in our food? ()

Ever since the horsemeat scandal it is clear that our food isn’t always what we think it is. Food fraud cases emerge again and again – and consumers are increasingly concerned. Here are five food fraud facts you should know about.

News: Mycotoxin analysis via smartphone: new hope for farmers? ()

Mycotoxins are a big threat to agriculture. Particularly in developing countries, crops are often contaminated with mycotoxins – with dangerous consequences for the population. Modern technology can improve the situation for farmers and consumers.

News: Beeware! There might be antibiotic residues in your honey ()

Bees are of great importance for humans: these busy little animals not only produce delicious honey, but also pollinate our crop plants – and thereby ensure our food production. However, even bees can get sick and need to be treated with medication. This is not without consequences.

News: Salmonella in baby food ()

It’s a case that has caused serious concern not only in France: salmonella was found in baby food from a French dairy company. More than 12 million cans of baby milk were recalled – and the scandal is growing. Here’s why salmonella is dangerous and what you can do against it.

News: LC-MS/MS: Method of choice for efficient multi-mycotoxin analysis ()

For the detection of mycotoxins, liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS) has become very popular in recent years. Laboratories with high sample throughput are especially increasingly relying on this precise and efficient method. Here‘s how to handle matrix effects and make optimal use of LC-MS/MS.

News: S. diastaticus: a new challenge in beer analysis? ()

Contamination with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus (often shortened to S. diastaticus) is currently a hot topic in the beer industry. Breweries worldwide are affected. For International Beer Day, here’s what you should know about this harmful wild yeast.

News: The fight against food fraud ()

Deceptive labelling, prohibited additives or the substitution of expensive ingredients with cheaper components: During a global raid against food fraud, Interpol seized counterfeit goods worth approximately 103 million euros. In order to detect adulteration, analytical methods are essential.

News: New data: This is how common food allergies really are ()

According to a recent study, more than 10 percent of adults in the United States suffer from food allergies, while almost 20 percent think they do. What’s behind this?

News: PCR analysis the easy way ()

Real-time PCR has proved to be a reliable and efficient analysis method in many areas. For laboratories who have avoided up to now the investments for PCR analysis, a new compact PCR cycler now makes it easy to get started.

News: Semi-automated nucleic acid preparation for food and feed samples – simplicity and convenience ()

Extraction of nucleic acids is a vital part of real-time PCR and is often challenging due to several factors such as the high variability of sample matrices and inhibitory substances like plant ingredients, alcohols or salts.

News: New social media series: What are the benefits of automation to your qPCR lab routine? ()

Standardization of methods, a more efficient lab routine, and saving time and resources. Automation has many advantages. We answer the most important questions about automation.

Page: Beer analysis

Highlight: Analytical efficiency

Laboratories face the challenge of analyzing more samples in a shorter time. Automation and other innovative solutions meet these requirements.

Highlight: Beer analysis

Do you want to test beer for beverage spoilers? For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in breweries, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered.

News: Good allergen management saves lives ()

“Gluten-free”, like “allergen-free”, is on everyone’s lips today. Even if foods are produced without allergens such as peanuts or milk or without gluten, they can be dangerous for allergy sufferers and patients with celiac disease. The reason for this is contamination. Test methods should therefore be integrated into an allergen management system. How should allergen […]

News: Mycotoxins in animal feeds: How dangerous are they for pets? ()

Gastrointestinal disorders and impairment of the immune and nervous systems: Mycotoxins, the metabolic product of mold fungi, are not just hazardous to human health; they may also be toxic for pets. How do mycotoxins get into pet food? What health risks are there? As a pet owner, this is vital information!

News: R-Biopharm christmas recipe: Peanut-caramel lozenges (approx. 80 pieces) ()

Our R-Biopharm christmas recipe this year was submitted by our employee Christine. These peanut-caramel lozenges are delight for the whole family, to be shared under the Christmas tree. Or maybe you could bake a batch of cookies and give them to your friends as a gift? In any case, we hope you enjoy baking them, […]

News: 5 fascinating facts about nuts ()

In the USA, National Nut Day is celebrated on October 22. Reason enough to take a closer look at the little vitamin bombs.  1. Not everything we call a nut actually is one  In fact, from a botanical point of view, there are only a few “true nuts”, including hazelnuts, walnuts as well as sweet […]

News: Ochratoxin A in coffee: Ensure compliance with new legislative levels ()

Coffee production Coffee comes from Coffea, a tree which belongs to the Rubiaceae family, with the largest diversity found in humid environments. Different varieties of coffee, require different environments for the plant to grow. In general, coffee grows from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer. Higher altitudes produce coffee beans with a […]

News: If you have legionella in your facility, this is what you need to know ()

Water is essential for life – but also a frequent source of bacterial infections. If Legionella bacteria grow in the water pipes, it can lead to serious diseases. This article answers the most important questions on the subject of Legionella. How dangerous are Legionella bacteria? Legionella is a genus of waterborne, gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria that […]