Compact Dry YM
Art. No. HS8801

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Product info about Compact Dry YM

Intended use

Usage of Compact Dry YM is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of yeasts and molds in foods or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish containing a detection specific nutrient pad.

General Information

During growth on the nutrient medium of Compact Dry YM colonies of yeasts and molds show different color reactions and therefore they are easily to differentiate. The chromogenic substrate X-Phos initiates a blue coloration of nearly all yeast colonies. Molds will form their typical three-dimensional structures in the air space between nutrient pad and plate cover. The coloration of the air structures might be different according to the special type of mold. Growth of bacterial species on Compact Dry YM is inhibited by antibiotics which are added to the medium.

The ready-to-use, chromogenic Compact Dry plates are suitable for in-process controls as well as controls of finished products. With the optional additional product Promedia ST-25 swab test (Z0302) Compact Dry plates may also be used for surface sampling and therefore applied for quantitative hygiene monitoring even at surfaces which are difficult to reach.


  • Compact Dry YM is therefore an extremely easy-to-use method and also convincing due to the high time saving; a confirmation test is also not necessary.



Art. NoHS8801
Test format100 nutrient plates
Sample preparationViable count in water or liquid foodstuff, in solid foodstuff or in swab tests.
Incubation time3 - 7 days at 25 ± 1 °C
Detected analyte

Yeasts = blue colonies,
molds = cottony colonies with characteristic colors.

EvaluationVisual counting