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New social media series: What are the benefits of automation to your qPCR lab routine?

Standardization of methods, a more efficient lab routine, and saving time and resources. Automation has many advantages. We answer the most important questions about automation.

What are the advantages of automation?

  • Less method variability
  • Fewer handling errors
  • Consistent extraction results
  • Lab personnel can focus on more complex tasks
  • Plastic waste reduction

What are daily hurdles when analyzing food and feed samples?

Are you also dealing with a variety of matrices, varying sample throughput, and different qPCR targets (e.g., food allergens, GMOs, food pathogens, or animal identification)?

In addition, each food type or category may have its own protocol for sample preparation.

What solutions does R-Biopharm offer?

The SureFast® Mag PREP Food (Art. No. F1060) kit allows DNA extraction from plant and animal products as well as bacterial enrichments.

For food and feed testing, R-Biopharm offers the SureFood® and SureFast® qPCR kits for a wide range of food allergens, GMOs, animal species and food pathogens. These kits are available as duplex assays, but also include a wide range of multiplex assays that allow time savings by simultaneously detecting multiple targets in one qPCR run.

The combination of automated DNA/RNA extraction with the TANBead Maelstrom™4800 (Art. No. ZMAL48) instruments and appropriate qPCR multiplex assays is not only simple, but also flexible and convenient.

How much space does a device for automation take up in the laboratory?

The TANBead Maelstrom™ instruments and RIDA®CYCLER (Art. No. ZRCYCLER) require only a small footprint, thus allowing optimal use of space in your lab.