Columnas de purificación
Limpieza eficiente de muestras

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Columnas de purificación

Al utilizar métodos de análisis como HPLC, GC y LC-MS/MS, la purificación de la muestra es de gran importancia.

Para la limpieza y purificación de la muestra para el análisis de micotoxina, ofrecemos columnas IAC y SPE. Las columnas de inmunoafinidad (por ejemplo, RIDA®, EASI-EXTRACT®, PREP®) permiten una limpieza eficiente de micotoxinas en todo tipo de productos antes de los ensayos de HPLC, LC-MSMS o ELISA. Las columnas de extracción de fase sólida PuriTox permiten la limpieza de micotoxinas antes de los ensayos TLC, HPLC, GC o LC-MSMS.

Columnas de inmunoafinidad

Las columnas de inmunoafinidad (IAC) son el método de elección estándar para la preparación de muestras de micotoxinas antes de los ensayos de HPLC, GC y LC-MS/MS. Son las herramientas de limpieza ideales para el análisis de muestras complejas o coloreadas de alimentos y piensos. Los anticuerpos monoclonales aíslan y concentran la micotoxina de interés, eliminando de la muestra cualquier componente que pueda provocar interferencias. Este sistema de limpieza extremadamente específico elimina las interferencias y permite obtener un eluato limpio que evita la necesidad de utilizar estándares ajustados a la matriz o con etiqueta de isótopo. Mejora la cromatografía y, en último término, reduce los límites de detección. R-Biopharm ofrece IAC desarrollados por su empresa asociada, R-Biopharm Rhône. Los IAC de R-Biopharm Rhône se reconocen en los métodos oficiales de la AOAC y el CEN, y superan las especificaciones y criterios de rendimiento de métodos de la UE.

Columnas de extracción de fase sólida

Las columnas de extracción de fase sólida (SPE) contienen adsorbentes sólidos que se enlazan a los componentes y pigmentos interferentes. Como consecuencia, las columnas reducen las interferencias de fondo, lo que mejora la cromatografía y aumenta la precisión de los resultados. Gracias a la detección simultánea de varias micotoxinas, los productos PuriTox de R-Biopharm Rhône ofrecen un método de cribado rentable y rápido.

Product portfolio

ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

The product is a heparin affinity column that binds lactoferrin and separates it from other proteins ensuring accurate, reliable results across diverse applications.

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5 columns (i.e. up to 50 tests) (3 ml format) (RBRP700/5)
25 columns (i.e. up to 250 tests) (3 ml format) (RBRP700/25)
RBRP700/5 / RBRP700/25
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
QualiT Pure™ Multi-Ergot alkaloid

Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins.

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50 columns (syringe format) TC-QP2100-50
QualiT Pure™ Multi-Mycotoxin

Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins.

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50 columns (syringe format) TC-QP1000-50
QualiT Pure™ Multi-tox MS

Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins.

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50 columns (syringe format) TC-QP1100-50

Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of deoxynivalenol prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP902/48: 48 cartridges RBRP902/48

Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of ochratoxin A prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP901/48: 48 cartridges,
RBRP901: 96 cartridges
RBRP901 / RBRP901/48

Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of aflatoxins M1 prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP904/48: 48 cartridges RBRP904/48

Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis  RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP900/48: 48 cartridges,
RBRP900: 96 cartridges
RBRP900 / RBRP900/48
11⁺Myco MS-PREP®

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, fumonisins B1 and B2, Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP128: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format),
RBRP128B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format)
RBRP128 / RBRP128B

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of citrinin in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRDP126),
25 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP126)
RBRDP126 / RBRP126
PuriTox Total Myco-MS

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of 11 mycotoxins. PuriTox Total Myco-MS® (Art. No. TC-MT3000) can be used for the simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, fumonisins B1 and B2, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, …

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25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) TC-MT3000

The procedure is based on monoclonal antibody technology, which makes the test highly specific, sensitive, rapid and simple to perform. Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk and …

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP124),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP124B)
RBRP124 / RBRP124B

AOF MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and fumonisin. The columns lead not only to a clean-up of the sample but also to a selective purification of the mycotoxins. …

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RBRP115: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format),
RBRP115B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format)
RBRP115 / RBRP115B

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of ochratoxin A in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14B)
500 columns (3ml format) (RBRP14/500)

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of zearalenone in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP91),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP90)

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43B)

Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC for detection of patulin in apple juice and apple purée.

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RBRP250: 10 columns (3 ml format),
RBRP250B: 50 columns (3 ml format)
RBRP250 / RBRP250B
RIDA® Ochratoxin A column

RIDA® Ochratoxin A column are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of Ochratoxin A in food and feed.

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10 immunoaffinity columns R1303

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and ochratoxin A in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP89: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format),
RBRP89B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format)

DZT MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxin. The columns lead not only to a clean-up of the sample but also to a selective purification of the mycotoxins. …

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RBRP73: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format),
RBRP73B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format)

Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

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RBRP112: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format),
RBRP112B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(3 ml format)
RBRP112 / RBRP112B

Immunoaffinity columns are used in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of fumonisins B1 and B2 in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRDP31),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP31B)

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of deoxynivalenol in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50B)

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2 in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP71)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP70N)
500 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP70N/500)
RIDA® Aflatoxin column

RIDA® Aflatoxin columns (Art. No. R5001/R5002) are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in food and feed. The columns are particularly suited for the clean up of difficult sampIes such as nuts, …

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10 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5001),
50 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5002)
R5001 / R5002
PuriTox Aflatoxin

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 from peanuts.

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50 columns (syringe format) RBRP25

The procedure is based on monoclonal antibody technology, which makes the test highly specific, sensitive, rapid and simple to perform.

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10 columns (1 ml format) (RBRDP07)
50 columns (1 ml format) (RBRP07)
500 columns ( 1ml format) (RBRP07/500)
PuriTox Trichothecene

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of cereal samples to detect trichothecenes. PuriTox Trichothecene can be used for the simultaneous detection of type A and B trichothecenes by GC and LC-MS/MS.

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25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) TC-T220
PuriTox AflaZON

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins and zearalenone from cereals.

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25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) TC-M160
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
RIDA® C18 column

The solid phase extraction (SPE) with RIDA® C18 columns is an efficient technique for a fast and selective sample preparation, especially for the RIDASCREEN® and EuroProxima anabolic- and hormone enzyme immunoassays.

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100 x C18 columns (100 mg/ml column reservoir) R2002
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjuntion with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of biotin in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP82 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP82B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC/MS-MS system for detection of folic acid in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP81 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP81B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities. Novel immunoaffinity columns with built-in reservoir for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide of range …

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RBRP88 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
RBRP88B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP80 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP80B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of biotin, folic acid and vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP183 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
RBRP183B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
Capacity = 0.45 µg biotin, 0.5 µg folic acid, 1 µg vitamin B12.
RBRP183 / RBRP183B
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