EuroProxima Stanozolol

Art. No.: 5081STAN

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Product info

EuroProxima Stanozolol

Art. No.: 5081STAN

Intended use

This competitive enzyme immunoassay is used for the quantitative determination of stanozolol in urine and faeces.

General Information

Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. Use of this substance as growth promotor in livestock is banned in the European Union. It can be used as anabolic compound in meat production. The use as doping agent in horse racing is another illegal application of stanozolol. The ELISA is based on antibodies directed against stanozolol.


  • Time saving: only 45 minutes incubation time


Art. No5081STAN
Test formatMicrotiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each)
Sample preparationFor urine and faeces fast and efficient methods are included in the kit manual, see under 8. sample preparation.
Incubation time45 min
LOD (Detection Limit)Urine 1 µg/l (ppb), faeces 1 µg/kg
Detection CapabilityUrine 1 µg/l, faeces 1 µg/kg
LOQ (Limit of quantification

Urine 1 µg/l, faeces 1 µg/kg

Validated matrices

Urine and faeces.

Detected analyte

Stanozolol in urine and faeces.

EvaluationMicrotiter plate spectrophotometer (450 nm)
InstructionsEnglish (English)