Fruits à coque
Des tests fiables de détection des fruits à coque dans les aliments
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Fruits à coque
L’allergie aux fruits à coque figure parmi les allergies alimentaires les plus courantes. Elle touche près d’un pour cent de la population.
Également appelés « noix », les « fruits à coque » poussent dans les arbres et ne doivent pas être confondus avec les arachides (qui poussent sous terre et ne sont pas considérées comme des « fruits à coque »). Tous les fruits à coque ne présentent pas le même niveau d’allergénicité. Par exemple, l’allergie aux noisettes est particulièrement répandue, alors que l’amande et la noix de coco sont souvent mieux tolérées. Un test d’allergie permet de déterminer les fruits à coque pouvant ou non être consommés par les personnes concernées.
Conformément à la directive européenne 2007/68/CE, les fruits à coque doivent figurer parmi les ingrédients indiqués sur les emballages dans la mesure où ils font partie des allergènes les plus importants. Les fruits à coque peuvent toutefois se retrouver accidentellement à l’intérieur d’un aliment en raison de la contamination croisée. Une contamination accidentelle peut se produire dans les entreprises qui fabriquent des aliments contenant des fruits à coque et d’autres n’en contenant pas. La contamination peut, par exemple, se produire lors de la fabrication de confiserie, de produits de boulangerie, de chocolat, de biscuits, de céréales ou de crème glacée. Certains fabricants se protègent en ajoutant l’avertissement suivant à leurs produits : « Peut contenir des traces de fruits à coque ».
Pour les personnes souffrant d’allergies, il est indispensable d’avoir la certitude qu’un produit alimentaire est réellement exempt de fruits à coque s’il est indiqué qu’il n’en contient pas. Il est, par conséquent, nécessaire d’inspecter soigneusement les zones de production ainsi que les produits finis. Nous proposons à cet effet une gamme complète de kits d’analyse dédiés à différents types de fruits à coque :
- Amande
- Noix du Brésil
- Noix de cajou
- Noix de coco
- Noisette
- Noix de macadamia
- Noix de pécan
- Pistache
- Noix
Product portfolio
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
RIDASCREEN® Walnut (Art. No. R6601) is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of raw and roasted walnut or walnut protein in food. Due to the large number of different food products, the following samples were examined as … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R6601 |
The RIDASCREEN®FAST Cashew is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay developed for the quantitative analysis of Cashew in food. Exemplarily for the food groups pastries and sweets have been tested during the assay’s development: cookies, chocolate and ice … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R6872 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Hazelnut is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of hazelnut (e.g. traces of hazelnut) in food such as cereals, bakery products, ice cream and chocolate. En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R6802 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Almond is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of almond or parts of almond in food. As representative samples for the food groups pastries and sweets the following matrices have been tested during the assay´s … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R6901 |
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific coconut (Cocos nucifera) DNA sequences in food. En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3621 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific almond (Prunus dulcis), pistachio (Pistacia vera) and cashew (Anacardium occidentale) DNA … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3406 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of almond (Prunus dulcis), cashew (Anacardium occidentale), pistachio (Pistacia vera), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), hazelnut … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3404 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Shea Nut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Shea Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific shea nut (Vitellaria paradoxa) DNA sequences in raw material. En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3622 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut is a real-time PCR for the direct qualitative detection of specific beechnut (Fagus sylvatica) DNA sequences in food. En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3628 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific pine nut (Pinus spp.) DNA sequences in food. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3624 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia / Brazil Nut / Pecan + IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia/Brazil Nut/Pecan + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia), brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) and pecan (Carya … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3403 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific walnut (Juglans regia and Juglans nigra) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3607 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pistachio (Pistacia vera) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination the use of … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3614 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pecan (Carya illinoinensis) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination the use of … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3618 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Macadamia |
The real-time PCR test detects DNA of macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3616 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Hazelnut |
The real-time PCR test detects DNA of hazelnut (Corylus avellana, Corylus maxima) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3602 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Cashew |
The real-time PCR test detects DNA of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3615 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3617 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Almond |
The real-time PCR test detects DNA of almond (Prunus dulcis) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3604 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut / Hazelnut / Walnut + IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut/Hazelnut/Walnut+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific Peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Hazelnut (Corylus maxima) and Walnut (Juglans regia, Juglans nigra) … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3402 |
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
bioavid Lateral Flow Brazil Nut incl. Hook Line |
The Lateral Flow Brazil Nut (Art. No. BLH702-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of brazil nut residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH702-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Macadamia incl. Hook Line |
The Lateral Flow Macadamia (Art. No. BLH705-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of macadamia residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH705-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Pistachio incl. Hook Line |
The Lateral Flow Pistachio (Art. No. BLH711-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of pistachio residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH711-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Walnut incl. Hook Line |
The Lateral Flow Walnut (Art. No. BLH707-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of walnut residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food production … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH707-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Cashew incl. Hook line |
The Lateral Flow Cashew (Art. No. BLH710-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of cashew residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food production … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH710-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Hazelnut incl. Hook line |
The Lateral Flow Hazelnut (Art. No. BLH704-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of hazelnut residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH704-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Almond incl. Hook line |
The Lateral Flow Almond (Art. No. BLH701-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of almond residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food production … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH701-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Coconut incl. Hook line |
The Lateral Flow Coconut (Art. No. BLH700-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of coconut residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH700-15 |