Organismes d’altération
Détection des altérations microbiologiques dans la production alimentaire
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Organismes d’altération
En plus de la détection des micro-organismes pathogènes, il est important de surveiller les organismes responsables de l’altération afin de réduire les pertes pendant la production.
Tous les produits sont susceptibles d’être contaminés par des organismes d’altération et des agents pathogènes. Les organismes d’altération n’ont aucun effet toxique mais peuvent altérer le goût, l’arôme, l’aspect et la durée de conservation des denrées alimentaires. Ils représentent donc un problème économique majeur. Pour éviter les pertes ou les rappels, il est important de vérifier l’absence d’organismes responsables de l’altération à tous les niveaux de la production.
Voilà pourquoi R-Biopharm propose des kits d’analyse fiables pour la viande et les produits à base de viande, les produits laitiers, les œufs et les produits à base d’œufs, les légumes, les fruits, les aromates et les épices, les boissons, les céréales et les produits céréaliers ainsi que les plats pré-cuisinés. Parmi les méthodes les mieux rodées pour effectuer des tests sur sites, citons les analyses microbiologiques classiques, les systèmes hautement spécifiques de détection par PCR en temps réel ou les tests ELISA de confirmation des toxines bactériennes.
Altération des boissons
Les organismes d’altération constituent un problème majeur, notamment dans le secteur des boissons. Les bactéries et les levures susceptibles d’altérer les boissons peuvent entraîner des problèmes de turbidité et une dégradation du goût. Nous proposons un large éventail de kits de PCR quantitative (qPCR) pour le dépistage et la détection rapides et spécifiques des paramètres d’altération microbiologiques des boissons.
Product portfolio
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
QuickGEN PCR Kit Screening and differentiation of wine spoilers |
Screening and differentiation of 8 bacteria and yeast in wine. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli / Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni, Acetic acid bacteria, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Dekkera … En savoir plus |
96 reactions / 24 samples | Q231, Q232, Q233 |
QuickGEN PCR Kit Screening and differentiation of wine spoilers |
Screening and differentiation of 14 bacteria and yeast in wine. The following yeast are differentiated: Lactobacillus spp. Pediococcus spp. Acetic acid bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides Oenococcus oeni Lactococcus lactis Alicyclobacillus spp. … En savoir plus |
12 samples / 96 reatcions | Q221, Q222, Q223 |
Simplex® Easy Spin Plus |
Alicyclobacillus spp. DNA-extraction from e.g. juices, concentrates and tomato products without preenrichment. En savoir plus |
50 preparations | Q705 |
QuickGEN PCR Kit Zygosaccharomyces rouxii |
Detection of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q583 |
QuickGEN PCR Kit Yeast universal -low- |
Qualitative detection of yeast contaminations in beverages. For exapmple: Saccharomyces spp. Dekkera spp. Zygosaccharomyces spp. Rhodotorula spp. Torulaspora spp. Kluyveromyces spp. Debaromyces spp. Candida spp. Hanseniaspora spp. Pichia spp En savoir plus |
48 reactions: 48 x Dye Strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA) | Q982 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and Dekkera spp. Screening low MG |
Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera/ Pectinatus) and Dekkera spp. contaminations in filtrated beer, beer mixes and yeast containing samples: En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q094 |
QuickGEN Pentaplex PCR Kit – Beer spoilage bacteria and yeast screening |
Qualitative detection of bacterial, S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus and Dekkera spp. contaminations in filtered beer, beer mixes and yeast containing samples. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q061 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN PCR Kit Alicyclobacillus Differentiation high |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of Alicyclobacillus spp., Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris . En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q721 |
GEN-IAL® Dekkera bruxellensis Standard DNA |
Quantification of Dekkera bruxellensis in beverages (e.g. wine and grape must) by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
1 x Standard 1 200000 cfus / 2.5 μL DNA (D. bruxellensis, freeze-dried) | Q360 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN PCR Kit S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus white |
Detection of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus in beverages. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q183 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii white |
Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q563 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii low |
Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions (tubes incl. Lyticase and IC-DNA) | Q562 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. |
Detection of Dekkera spp. in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. The following species are detected: D. bruxellensis, D. anomala, D. custersiana, D. naardenensis and D. nanus. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q555 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. white |
Detection of Dekkera spp. in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q553 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. low |
Detection of Dekkera spp. in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. The following species are detected: D. bruxellensis, D. anomala, D. custersiana, D. naardenensis and D. nanus En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q552 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. high |
Detection of Dekkera spp. in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q551 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation white |
Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii Torulaspora delbrückii Klyveromyces marxianus … En savoir plus |
96 reactions for 12 samples | Q543 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation low |
Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii Torulaspora delbrückii Klyveromyces marxianus … En savoir plus |
96 reactions for 12 samples (tubes contain lyticase). | Q542 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 2 low |
Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Candida glabrata Candida albicans Candida kefyr Candida intermedia Candida parapsilosis Candida sake Candida tropicalis Naumovozyma dairenensis Pichia … En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q532 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 1 |
Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Dekkera anomala Dekkera bruxellensis Dekkera custersiana Dekkera naardenensis Debaromyces hansenii Hanseniaspora guillermondii Hanseniaspora osmophila … En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q525 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative FAM/HEX |
Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q395 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative FAM/ROX |
Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q385 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative white |
Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q373 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative low |
Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions (freeze-dried, tubes incl. Lytikase and IC-DNA). | Q372 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast low MG |
Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q334 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast white |
Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q333 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast low |
Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q332 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening low MG |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q324 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening white |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q323 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening low |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q322 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus high |
Detection of Saccharomyces diastaticus in beverages by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q181 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Bottom fermented white |
Detection of bottom-fermented yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q163 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Bottom fermented low |
Detection of bottom-fermented yeast in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q162 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN® Yeast Top fermented white |
Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of top-fermented yeast. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q153 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN® Yeast Top fermented low |
Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of top-fermented yeast. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q152 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation white |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated: L. acetotolerans, L. backii, L. brevis/L. brevisimilis/L. parabrevis, L. lindneri, L. casei/ L paracasei, L. … En savoir plus |
12 strips à 8 tubes (one strip per sample, tube 2 contains lyticase) for 12 samples. | Q083 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation low |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated: L. acetotolerans, L. backii, L. brevis/L. brevisimilis/L. parabrevis, L. lindneri, L. casei/ L paracasei, L. … En savoir plus |
12 strips à 8 tubes (one strip per sample, tube 2 contains lyticase) for 12 samples. | Q082 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation white |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli Pediococci Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae Bottom-fermented yeast Top-fermented yeast Wild … En savoir plus |
96 PCR reactions (24 samples) 12 stripes (tubes 2, 3, 5 and 6 contain lyticase) |
Q073 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation low |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli Pediococci Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae Bottom-fermented yeast Top-fermented yeast Wild … En savoir plus |
96 PCR reactions (24 samples) 12 stripes |
Q072 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q055 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance low MG |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q054 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance white |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q053 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance low |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q052 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer, beer mixes and yeast containing samples. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q045 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening low MG |
Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera/ Pectinatus) and S. diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer and mixed beer drinks and yeast containing samples. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q044 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening white |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and S.diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q043 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening low |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer, beer mixes and yeast containing samples. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q042 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening without yeast |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q035 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening without yeast white |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q033 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening without yeast low |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q032 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and yeast contaminations in filtrated beer and beer mixes. For products with high amount of yeast use the Screening Kit without yeast detection to find bacterial contaminations more sensitive (Q035). En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q025 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening low MG |
Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera/ Pectinatus) and yeast contaminations in filtrated beer and beer mixes. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q024 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening white |
Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera/ Pectinatus) and yeast contaminations in filtrated beer and beer mixes. For products with high amount of yeast use the Screening Kit without yeast detection to find … En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q023 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening low |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and yeast contaminations in filtrated beer and beer mixes. For products with high amount of yeast use the Screening Kit without yeast detection to find bacterial contaminations more sensitive (Q032). En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q022 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast high |
Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q331 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening high |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q321 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 2 |
Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Candida glabrata Candida albicans Candida kefyr Candida intermedia Candida parapsilosis Candida sake Candida tropicalis Naumovozyma dairenensis Pichia … En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q535 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 1 low |
Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Dekkera anomala Dekkera bruxellensis Dekkera custersiana Dekkera naardenensis Debaromyces hansenii Hanseniaspora guillermondii Hanseniaspora osmophila … En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q522 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening high |
Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera / Pectinatus) and yeast contaminations in filtrated beer and beer mixes. For products with high amount of yeast use the Screening Kit without yeast detection to find … En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q021 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Enterobacteriacea spp. |
Qualitative real.time PCR-detection of Enterobacteriaceae as indicators for hygiene and postprocessing contaminations. The system contains an integrated inhibition control. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q145 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening without yeast high |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions tube strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA) |
Q031 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus low |
Detection of Saccharomyces diastaticus in beverages by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q182 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening high |
Qualitative detection of bacterial and S.diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer and mixed beer drinks and yeast containing samples. En savoir plus |
48 reactions tube strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA and lyticase) |
Q041 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation high |
Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following yeast are differentiated: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii … En savoir plus |
96 reactions for 12 samples (tubes contain lyticase). | Q541 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance high |
Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q051 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus |
Detection of Wickerhamomyces anomalus in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q175 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN® Yeast Top fermented high |
Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of top-fermented yeast. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q151 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Bottom fermented high |
Detection of bottom-fermented yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q161 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Pectinatus / Megasphaera differentiation low |
Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of Pectinatus spp. and Megasphaera spp in beverages. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q112 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation high |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli Pediococci Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae Bottom-fermented yeast Top-fermented yeast Wild … En savoir plus |
96 PCR reactions (24 samples) 12 stripes |
Q071 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Hop resistance |
Qualitative detection and differentiation of the hop resistance genes hor A / hor C / hit A and ORF 5 as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q105 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation high |
Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated: L. acetotolerans, L. backii, L. brevis/L. brevisimilis/L. parabrevis, L. lindneri, L. casei/ L paracasei, L. … En savoir plus |
12 strips à 8 tubes (one strip per sample, tube 2 contains lyticase) for 12 samples. | Q081 |
GEN-IAL® Biogenic amines |
Real-time PCR kit for the detection of biogenic amines producing lactic acid bacteria in wine. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q345 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Biofilm |
Real-time PCR detection of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactoccocus lactis and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, which are involved in the development of biofilms. En savoir plus |
50 reactions | Q095 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Alicyclobacillus differentiation |
Qualitative detection and identification of Alicyclobacillus spp., Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. En savoir plus |
48 reactions | Q724 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative high |
Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must. En savoir plus |
48 reactions (freeze-dried, tubes incl. Lytikase and IC-DNA). | Q371 |
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii high |
Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR. En savoir plus |
48 reactions (tubes incl. Lyticase and IC-DNA) | Q561 |