Art. No. R6402

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  5. RIDASCREEN®FAST Egg Protein

Product info


Art. No. R6402

Intended use

RIDASCREEN®FAST Egg Protein is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of whole egg (-powder) in food like salad dressings, sausages, wines, baking-mixtures for cakes or bread and ice cream.

General Information

Egg white is recognized as being more allergenic than egg yolk. Egg allergy is very common in children, mostly they lose their egg allergy when getting older. The allergen can be present as an ingredient or as a contamination in raw and cooked products. According to the regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 from egg and products thereof must be declared on food labels. Similar regulations exist e.g. in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Egg white contains 9 – 11 % of protein. Four main allergenic proteins come to 80 % of the egg white proteins. These main allergens are ovomucoid (11 %), ovalbumin (54 %), ovotransferrin (12 %) and lysozyme (3.5 %). The allergenic potential of the proteins present in egg yolk is only moderate.


  • Combining the detection of ovomucoid and ovalbumin in one kit (most suppliers two different kits).
  • Specificity: no cross reactivities have been observed in a wide range of matrices (97) and especially no cross reactivity to raw or cooked meat of chicken, turkey hen, pork and beef.
  • Collaborative study (18 different laboratories) for egg white in wine resulted in recovery between 88 – 100.5 % (red wine) and 70.4 – 86 % (white wine).
Dear customers,

we provide the documents for our products in an electronic format which include the Instructions for Use (IFU), the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the Certificate of Analysis (CoA). For batches placed on the market after 01. January 2024, you can find our documents on the eIFU portal eifu.r-biopharm.com/food.

Art. NoR6402
Test formatMicrotiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each)
Sample preparationHomogenization, extraction and centrifugation
Incubation time30 min
Room temperature
LOD (Detection Limit)0.096 mg / kg (ppm) whole egg powder (mean)
equivalent to 0.03 mg / kg (ppm) egg white protein
0.052 – 0.157 mg / kg (ppm) whole egg powder*
*depending on matrix
LOQ (Limit of quantification

0.5 mg / kg (ppm) whole egg powder
equivalent to 0.13 mg / kg (ppm) egg white protein

Cross Reactivity.

No cross reactivity was observed to raw or cooked meat of chicken, turkey hen, pork and beef.

Validated matrices

Salad dressings, sausages, wines, baking-mixtures for cakes or bread and ice cream.

Detected analyte

Egg white proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid from hen´s egg.

Available application notes
  • More sensitive allergen analysis in wine.
  • Test kit R6402 used with automates GEMINI and ChemWell® 2910.
  • RIDASCREEN®FAST Allergens – Allergen Swabbing method for the qualitative analysis of allergens in the production line or for laboratory equipment.
EvaluationMicrotiter plate spectrophotometer (450 nm)