Sistemas de ensayo de alta sensibilidad para análisis de vino, cerveza, zumos y otras bebidas



Durante la elaboración de zumos de frutas, bebidas alcohólicas, agua potable y otras bebidas, es necesario controlar y supervisar numerosos pasos del proceso para obtener productos seguros y de alta calidad.

Los kits de ensayo R-Biopharm se pueden aplicar durante todo el proceso de producción de bebidas: desde las materias primas pasando por los productos intermedios hasta los productos finales, desde la inspección de los productos de entrada al control de la higiene y, por último, al análisis de productos para garantizar su correcto etiquetado. Nuestra amplia gama de diferentes formatos de ensayo se puede utilizar para analizar zumos y concentrados de fruta, bebidas alcohólicas (como vino, cerveza, licores), agua potable y bebidas no lácteas (por ejemplo, bebida de soja o de almendras).

Deterioro de las bebidas

Los organismos que provocan deterioro son un importante problema, especialmente en la industria de las bebidas. La contaminación por levaduras y bacterias de este tipo, como Lactobacillus brevis o Saccharomyces diastaticus, puede afectar significativamente a la calidad y sabor del producto (por ejemplo, turbidez, gusto desagradable) y, como consecuencia, tener un impacto financiero grave. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de kits de qPCR para cribado y detección rápidos y específicos de parámetros de deterioro microbiológico en las bebidas.

Ácidos, azúcar, alcohol y aditivos

La calidad del vino y la cerveza se basa en varios parámetros. Al probar parámetros críticos (como ácido cítrico, ácido málico, ácido acético, ácido ascórbico, ácido láctico, glucosa, fructosa, sacarosa, hierro o etanol) durante la producción, se pueden tomar medidas correctivas para garantizar un resultado de la máxima calidad posible y evitar la necesidad de desechar el producto. Muchos de los métodos enzimáticos han sido validados por organizaciones internacionales como la OIV (International Wine Office), la UE y la AOAC.


Los ingredientes alergénicos como gluten, lactosa, soja o frutos secos se deben incluir en la etiqueta en la mayoría de los países. Sin embargo, la contaminación accidental durante el almacenamiento y la producción de bebidas es muy frecuente. Además, los agentes clarificantes como la proteína de la leche (caseína), huevo (ovoalbúmina) o lisozoma que se emplean en la producción de vino pueden permanecer en el producto finalizado, por lo que deben incluirse en la etiqueta. El vino tinto también contiene niveles elevados de histamina, lo que puede ser problemático para las personas alérgicas. En la cerveza etiquetada como sin gluten, el contenido de esta sustancia se debe analizar para proteger a los consumidores.


Muchas bebidas, especialmente los zumos de fruta, están enriquecidos con vitaminas. Las compañías de procesamiento de zumo necesitan datos precisos sobre la concentración de las vitaminas agregadas, no solo para cumplir los requisitos normativos y de consumo en lo que respecta al etiquetado de envases, sino también para controlar de forma estricta la dosificación de las vitaminas durante la producción. La concentración de vitamina C puede degradarse en hasta un 16 % durante el almacenamiento. Sin embargo, el contenido de vitaminas del producto debe coincidir con la etiqueta del envase hasta el final del periodo de caducidad declarado.


Los cereales y la fruta pueden estar contaminados por micotoxinas (metabolitos tóxicos del moho) y, en consecuencia, se deben analizar antes de su uso en la producción de bebidas. La micotoxina Ocratoxina A suele estar presente en el vino, mientras que la aflatoxina, fumonisina y vomitoxina se detectan a menudo en la cerveza. La patulina puede darse en el zumo y los licores de manzana. Debido a la frecuencia de las micotoxinas y a la gravedad de sus efectos tóxicos, muchos países han establecido niveles máximos, por ejemplo, 2 μg/kg para ocratoxina A en vino en la Unión Europea.

Más información

Encontrará más información acerca de los análisis de bebidas en nuestro folleto gratuito sobre la industria.

Product portfolio

ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
SureFood® ALLERGEN Oat

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of oat (Avena sativa) qualitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions S7004
RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive

Fast and sensitive ELISA test method for gluten detection Ensures a safe, fast and sensitive quantitative analysis of gluten residues from gluten containing cereals (wheat, rye and barley). RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive is a R5-based sandwich …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R7051

Reference ELISA test method for gluten detection! Ensure safe quantitative analysis of prolamins from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in food with the reference method. The RIDASCREEN® Gliadin in combination with the Cocktail …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R7001

Fast and simple qualitative LFD test method for the detection of gluten! Ensures safe, fast and simple qualitative analysis of gluten on surfaces, in clean-in-pace (CIP) water and food (raw and processed). RIDA®QUICK Gliadin is an R5-based …

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25 x test strips R7003
RIDASCREEN® Histamine (enzymatic)

RIDASCREEN® Histamine (enzymatic) is used for the quantitative determination of histamine in fresh fish, canned fish, fish meal, wine and cheese.

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Microtiterplate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R1605

RIDASCREEN®FAST Soya is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of native and processed soya proteins in food. Such products are beverages and food as sausages, dressings, bakery products, ice, chocolate, soup, sauce, margarine, …

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R7102

RIDASCREEN®FAST Milk is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay to quantify milk proteins (casein and ß-lactoglobulin) in food containing whey, milk or milk powder such as sausages, ice cream, chocolate, bakery goods, cake and bread mix, soups, sauces, …

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R4652
RIDASCREEN®FAST β-Lactoglobulin

RIDASCREEN®FAST β-Lactoglobulin is a sandwich enzyme mmunoassay for the quantitative analysis of native and processed β-lactoglobulin in rice crispies, chocolate and sausage.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R4912
RIDASCREEN® ß-Lactoglobulin

RIDASCREEN® ß-Lactoglobulin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of β-lactoglobulin in hydrolyzed milk products including hypoallergenic baby food. The assay is calibrated to  hydrolyzed β-lactoglobulin check …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R4901

RIDASCREEN®FAST Lysozym is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of lysozyme (hen’s egg protein) in food like wine, cheese and sausage.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R6452
RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive

Specialty ELISA test method (competitive) for gluten detection in fermented and hydrolyzed food! Ensures safe quantitative analysis of prolamine peptide fragments from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in fermented or hydrolysed …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R7021

Fast ELISA test method for gluten detection! Ensures a safe and fast quantitative analysis of prolamins from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in food. RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative …

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R7002

RIDASCREEN®FAST Egg Protein is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of whole egg (-powder) in food like salad dressings, sausages, wines, baking-mixtures for cakes or bread and ice cream.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R6402

RIDASCREEN®FAST Casein is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of casein in food like bakery goods, cake and bread mix, non-hydrolyzed milk-based infant formula, ice cream, beverages, chocolate, wine and sausages.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R4612
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

UV-method for the determination of Ethanol in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4340
Enzytec™ Liquid L-Malic acid

Enzymatic assay for L-Malic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Liquid L-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for L-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2

The RIDA®CUBE SCAN is a photometric system that allows biochemistry testing, covering all enzymatic and colorimetric assays for the detection of organic acids (e.g. lactic acid), sugars (e.g. glucose) or other food components (e.g. sulfite). The …

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Weight: 2.4 kg
Dimensions: 16 x 13 x 14.5 cm
Android based app
Bluetooth and USB connection
Data transfer to host printer

UV-method for the determination of SO2-Total (free and bound sulfite) in wine, must and other food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4600
Enzytec™ Liquid Ethanol

Enzymatic assay for Ethanol in foodstuff and other sample materials. AOAC® Official Method℠ 2017.07 for kombucha, juices and alcohol-free beer.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
RIDA®CUBE D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid (without differentiation) in foodproducts. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4240

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4140
RIDA®CUBE Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose

UV-method for the determination of Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose (without differentiation) in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4190
RIDA®CUBE D-Glucose / D-Fructose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose / D-Fructose (without differentiation) in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4160
RIDA®CUBE Sucrose / D-Glucose

UV-method for the determination of Sucrose / D-Glucose (without differentiation) in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4180
Enzytec™ Liquid Lactose / D-Glucose

Enzymatic assay for Lactose / D-Glucose in foodstuff and other sample materials (without differentiation).

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Liquid D-Glucose / D-Fructose

Enzymatic assay for D-Glucose / D-Fructose in foodstuff and other sample materials.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 + 2 x 12.5 ml R2 + 2 x 12.5 ml R3
Enzytec™ Liquid D-Glucose

Enzymatic assay for D-Glucose in foodstuff and other sample materials.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Liquid SO2-Total

This test is a colorimetric assay used in wine laboratories for the determination of «total sulfite» (SO2 total) concentration in wine, must and other food samples. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / colorimetric …

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Test-kit with 2 x 50 determinations,
2 x 100 mL R1 + 2 x 25 mL R2 + 3.5 mL calibrator (100 assays)
Enzytec™ Liquid Sucrose / D-Glucose

Enzymatic assay for Sucrose / D-Glucose in foodstuffs and other sample materials (without differentiation).

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Liquid Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose

Enzymatic assay for Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose (total sugars) in foodstuffs and other sample materials.

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Liquid SO2-Free

This test is a colorimetric assay used in wine laboratories for the determination of “free sulfite” (SO2 free) concentration in wine, must and other food samples. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / colorimetric …

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Test-kit with 2 x 50 determinations,
2 x 100 mL R1 + 2 x 25 mL R2 + 3.5 mL calibrator (100 assays)
RIDA®CUBE L-Malic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Malic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4280
RIDA®CUBE Acetic acid

UV-method for the determination of Acetic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4226
RIDA®CUBE L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in food products. The enzymatic test kit is designed for using only with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN instrument (340 nm).

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Test-kit for 32 determinations (single-test cartridges) RCS4260
Enzytec™ Liquid D-/L-Lactic acid

Enzymatic assay for D-Lactic acid and L-Lactic acid in foodstuff and other sample materials (without differentiation).

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Test-kit with 2 x 25 determinations for manual use,
(500 tests on automated systems),
2 x 50 ml R1 and 2 x 12.5 ml R2
Enzytec™ Generic Oxalic acid

Colorimetric assay for the determination of Oxalic acid in wine, beer, beverages, honey and other foodstuffs.

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1 x 20 ml for 10 determinations E2100
D-Lactic acid / L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D- and L-lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 30 determinations each 11112821035

UV-method for the determination of acetaldehyde in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 3 × 11 determinations 10668613035

UV-method for the determination of raffinose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 32 determinations 10428167035

UV-method for the determination of native starch and partially hydrolized starch in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 27 determinations 10207748035
Succinic acid

UV-method for the determination of succinic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 11 determinations 10176281035
Enzytec™ Generic Starch

UV-method for the determination of Starch in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1268
Enzytec™ Generic D-Glucose / D-Fructose / Sucrose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose / D-Fructose / Sucrose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 16 determinations each E1247
Enzytec™ Generic D-Glucose / Sucrose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose / Sucrose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 16 determinations each E1246
Enzytec™ Generic D-Glucose / D-Fructose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose / D-Fructose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations each E1245
Enzytec™ Generic Lactose / D-Galactose

UV-method for the determination of Lactose / D-Galactose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 16 determinations each / approx. 32 determinations of lactose E1213
Enzytec™ Generic D-Glucose

UV-method for the determination of D-Glucose in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1210
Enzytec™ Generic L-Ascorbic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Ascorbic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 24 assays E1267
Enzytec™ Generic D-/L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-/L-Lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1255
Enzytec™ Generic L-Lactic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Lactic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1254
Enzytec™ Generic Acetic acid

UV-method for the determination of Acetic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 2 x 16 determinations (approx. 32 assays) E1226
Enzytec™ Generic D-Gluconic acid

UV-method for the determination of D-Gluconic acid (D-Glucono-δ-lactone) in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1223
Enzytec™ Generic L-Malic acid

UV-method for the determination of L-Malic acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for approx. 32 determinations E1215
Enzytec™ Generic Citric acid

UV-method for the determination of Citric acid in foodstuffs and other materials.

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Test combination for 3 x 8 determinations (approximately 24 assays) E1214
Enzytec™ Color Tartaric acid

This test is a colorimetric assay used mainly in wine laboratories for determination of tartaric acid concentration in wine and must. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / colorimetric reaction (therefore it belongs ot …

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2 x 80 ml R1 reagent + 1 x 25 ml R2 reagent (100 assays) E3100
Enzytec™ Color Copper

This test is a colorimetric assay used mainly in wine laboratories for determination of the Copper (Cu) concentration in wine. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / colorimetric reaction (therefore it belongs ot the …

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2 x 50 ml (50 assays) E2400
Enzytec™ Color Iron

This test is a colorimetric assay used mainly in wine laboratories for determination of the Iron (Fe) concentration in wine and other food samples. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / colorimetric reaction (therefore …

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4 x 100 ml (200 assays) E2300
Enzytec™ Glucose Remover

Removal of Glucose excess in samples.

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Reagents for 32 samples E3400
Enzytec™ Color GlucaTest®

Quantitative determination of high molecular weight ß-Glucan from barley in malt-mash and wort (EBC 4.16.3, MEBAK, in combination with sample extraction method EBC 4.5.1. The assay does not involve any enzyme, the reaction is a chemical / …

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• GlucaTest S125 (E3500) = 40 tests
(1 x 125 ml solution A + calibrator set),
• GlucaTest L500 (E3550) = 160 tests
(4 x 125 ml solution A + calibrator set)
E3500 / E3550
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in a test strip format to determine aflatoxin (sum B1, B2, G1, G2) in corn. The test uses an aqueous extraction method. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software …

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20 x test strips R5209

RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in strip format for the determination of aflatoxin in corn. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000).

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20 x test strips R5208

RIDA®QUICK DON RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test with water extraction in a test strip format to determine DON in grains (wheat, corn, barley, oats). Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000) or …

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20 x test strips R5911

RIDA®QUICK T-2 / HT-2 RQS ECO is a immunochromatographic test in strip format for the quantitative determination of the sum of T-2 / HT-2 toxin in oats, wheat and corn (maize). Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. …

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20 x test strips R5304
RIDASCREEN® T-2 / HT-2 Toxin

RIDASCREEN® T-2 / HT-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of the sum of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in oats, corn (maize), barley and wheat.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) R3805
RIDASCREEN® Zearalenon

RIDASCREEN® Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone residues in cereals, feed, beer, serum and urine.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). R1401

RIDASCREEN® DON is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of DON in cereals, malt, feed, beer and wort.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) R5906

RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) R3801

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of ochratoxin A in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14B)
500 columns (3ml format) (RBRP14/500)

RIDA®QUICK Zearalenon RQS is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in strip format for the detemination of zearalenone in corn. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000) or the RIDA®QUICK SCAN reader.

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20 x test strips R5504

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of zearalenone in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP91),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP90)

RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R5505

RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals and feed. The test was validated with different matrices of cereals and composed feed.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R5502

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43),
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43B)

RIDASCREEN®FAST T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R5302

Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC for detection of patulin in apple juice and apple purée.

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RBRP250: 10 columns (3 ml format),
RBRP250B: 50 columns (3 ml format)
RBRP250 / RBRP250B
RIDA® Ochratoxin A column

RIDA® Ochratoxin A column are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of Ochratoxin A in food and feed.

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10 immunoaffinity columns R1303

RIDASCREEN®FAST Ochratoxin A is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of ochratoxin A in corn, wheat, barley, oats (grains) and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R5402

DZT MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxin. The columns lead not only to a clean-up of the sample but also to a selective purification of the mycotoxins. …

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RBRP73: 10 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format),
RBRP73B: 50 immunoaffinity columns
(1 ml format)

A qualitative screening card for the detection of different aflatoxin total levels in food and feed samples.

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10 cards containing 20 tests and controls RBRP38

A qualitative screening card for detection of aflatoxin B1 at various levels in food and feed commodities.

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10 cards containing 20 tests and controls RBRP27

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of deoxynivalenol in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50B)

A qualitative screening card for detection of ochratoxin A at various levels in food and feed commodities.

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10 cards containing 20 tests and controls RBRP48

RIDASCREEN®FAST DON SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of DON in cereals, malt and feed with a sinlge control standard curve.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each). R5905

RIDASCREEN®FAST DON is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of DON in cereals, malt and feed.

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R5901: microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each)
R5902: microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each)
R5901 / R5902

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2 in a wide range of commodities.

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10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP71)
50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP70N)
500 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP70N/500)
RIDA® Aflatoxin column

RIDA® Aflatoxin columns (Art. No. R5001/R5002) are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in food and feed. The columns are particularly suited for the clean up of difficult sampIes such as nuts, …

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10 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5001),
50 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5002)
R5001 / R5002
PuriTox Aflatoxin

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 from peanuts.

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50 columns (syringe format) RBRP25

The procedure is based on monoclonal antibody technology, which makes the test highly specific, sensitive, rapid and simple to perform.

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10 columns (1 ml format) (RBRDP07)
50 columns (1 ml format) (RBRP07)
500 columns ( 1ml format) (RBRP07/500)

RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in cereals and feed with a single control standard curve.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R9002

RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in cereals and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) R5202
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin Total

RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin Total is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of aflatoxins in cereals and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) R4701
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin B1 30/15

RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin B1 30/15 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of aflatoxin B1 in cereals and feed.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) R1211
PuriTox Trichothecene

Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of cereal samples to detect trichothecenes. PuriTox Trichothecene can be used for the simultaneous detection of type A and B trichothecenes by GC and LC-MS/MS.

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25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) TC-T220
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
QuickGEN PCR Kit Screening and differentiation of wine spoilers

Screening and differentiation of 8 bacteria and yeast in wine. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli / Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni, Acetic acid bacteria, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Dekkera …

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96 reactions / 24 samples Q231, Q232, Q233
QuickGEN PCR Kit Screening and differentiation of wine spoilers

Screening and differentiation of 14 bacteria and yeast in wine. The following yeast are differentiated: Lactobacillus spp. Pediococcus spp. Acetic acid bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides Oenococcus oeni Lactococcus lactis Alicyclobacillus spp. …

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12 samples / 96 reatcions Q221, Q222, Q223
Simplex® Easy Spin Plus

Alicyclobacillus spp. DNA-extraction from e.g. juices, concentrates and tomato products without preenrichment.

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50 preparations Q705
QuickGEN PCR Kit Zygosaccharomyces rouxii

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q583
QuickGEN PCR Kit Yeast universal -low-

Qualitative detection of yeast contaminations in beverages. For exapmple: Saccharomyces spp. Dekkera spp. Zygosaccharomyces spp. Rhodotorula spp. Torulaspora spp. Kluyveromyces spp. Debaromyces spp. Candida spp. Hanseniaspora spp. Pichia spp

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48 reactions: 48 x Dye Strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA) Q982
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and Dekkera spp. Screening low MG

Qualitative detection of bacterial (Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus / Megasphaera/ Pectinatus) and Dekkera spp. contaminations in filtrated beer, beer mixes and yeast containing samples:  

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48 reactions Q094
GEN-IAL® Dekkera bruxellensis Standard DNA

Quantification of Dekkera bruxellensis in beverages (e.g. wine and grape must) by real-time PCR.

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1 x Standard 1 200000 cfus / 2.5 μL DNA (D. bruxellensis, freeze-dried) Q360
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii white

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q563
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii low

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions (tubes incl. Lyticase and IC-DNA) Q562
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp.

Detection of Dekkera spp. in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. The following species are detected: D. bruxellensis, D. anomala, D. custersiana, D. naardenensis and D. nanus.

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50 reactions Q555
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. white

Detection of Dekkera spp. in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q553
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. low

Detection of Dekkera spp. in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR. The following species are detected: D. bruxellensis, D. anomala, D. custersiana, D. naardenensis and D. nanus

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48 reactions Q552
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Dekkera spp. high

Detection of Dekkera spp. in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q551
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation white

Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii Torulaspora delbrückii Klyveromyces marxianus …

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96 reactions for 12 samples Q543
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation low

Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii Torulaspora delbrückii Klyveromyces marxianus …

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96 reactions for 12 samples (tubes contain lyticase). Q542
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 2 low

Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Candida glabrata Candida albicans Candida kefyr Candida intermedia Candida parapsilosis Candida sake Candida tropicalis Naumovozyma dairenensis Pichia …

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48 reactions Q532
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 1

Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Dekkera anomala Dekkera bruxellensis Dekkera custersiana Dekkera naardenensis Debaromyces hansenii Hanseniaspora guillermondii Hanseniaspora osmophila …

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50 reactions Q525
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative FAM/HEX

Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must.

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50 reactions Q395
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative FAM/ROX

Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must.

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50 reactions Q385
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative white

Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q373
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative low

Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions (freeze-dried, tubes incl. Lytikase and IC-DNA). Q372
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast low MG

Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q334
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast white

Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q333
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast low

Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q332
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening low MG

Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control

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48 reactions Q324
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening white

Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control

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48 reactions Q323
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening low

Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q322
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus high

Detection of Saccharomyces diastaticus in beverages by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q181
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening without yeast high

Qualitative detection of Lactobacilli, Pediococci, Oenococcus oeni and acetic acid bacteria in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions Q331
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wine Screening high

Qualitative detection and differentiation of bacterial and yeast contaminations in wine and grape must: Lactobacillus/ Pediococcus/Oenococcus oeni Acetic acid bacteria Yeast Inhibition control

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48 reactions Q321
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 2

Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Candida glabrata Candida albicans Candida kefyr Candida intermedia Candida parapsilosis Candida sake Candida tropicalis Naumovozyma dairenensis Pichia …

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50 reactions Q535
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Wild yeast 1 low

Detection of wild yeast in beverages by real-time PCR. The following yeasts are detected: Dekkera anomala Dekkera bruxellensis Dekkera custersiana Dekkera naardenensis Debaromyces hansenii Hanseniaspora guillermondii Hanseniaspora osmophila …

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48 reactions Q522
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening without yeast high

Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations in beer and mixed beer drinks.

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48 reactions
tube strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA)
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Saccharomyces diastaticus low

Detection of Saccharomyces diastaticus in beverages by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q182
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 and S. diastaticus Screening high

Qualitative detection of bacterial and S.diastaticus contaminations in filtrated beer and mixed beer drinks and yeast containing samples.

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48 reactions
tube strips (freeze-dried, incl. IC-DNA and lyticase)
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast differentiation high

Differentiation of 12 beer spoilage yeasts in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following yeast are differentiated: Saccharomyces exiguus Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus Saccharomyces bayanus / pastorianus Saccharomycodes ludwigii …

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96 reactions for 12 samples (tubes contain lyticase). Q541
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN P1 Screening and Hop resistance high

Qualitative detection of bacterial contaminations and the hop resistance genes hor A and hor C as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms in beer and mixed beer drinks.

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48 reactions Q051

The polymer PolyBIND® particles enable the quick and easy isolation of microorganisms and viruses from large sample volumes and highly viscous or solid-loaded liquids. The binding capacity of different microorganisms is between 10E5 and 10E6. …

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50 reactions Q008
Compact Dry PA

Compact Dry PA is a simple and safe test procedure for the determination and quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa counts in foods, cosmetics, water samples or pharmaceutical materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter …

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100 nutrient plates HS9491
Compact Dry YMR

Usage of Compact Dry YMR (rapid) is a simple, safe and fast test procedure for determination and quantification of yeasts and molds in foods or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 …

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100 nutrient plates HS9801
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus

Detection of Wickerhamomyces anomalus in beverages (e.g. beer, wine, grape must) by real-time PCR.

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50 reactions Q175
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN® Yeast Top fermented high

Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of top-fermented yeast.

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48 reactions Q151
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Bottom fermented high

Detection of bottom-fermented yeast in beverages by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions Q161
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Pectinatus / Megasphaera differentiation low

Real-time PCR-Kit for the detection of Pectinatus spp. and Megasphaera spp in beverages.

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48 reactions Q112
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer yeast and bacteria differentiation high

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeasts are differentiated: Lactobacilli Pediococci Acetic acid bacteria Enterobacteriaceae Bottom-fermented yeast Top-fermented yeast Wild …

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96 PCR reactions (24 samples)
12 stripes
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Hop resistance

Qualitative detection and differentiation of the hop resistance genes hor A / hor C / hit A and ORF 5 as genetic markers for beer-spoilage microorganisms.

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50 reactions Q105
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Beer differentiation high

Differentiation of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast in beer and mixed beer drinks. The following bacteria and yeast are differentiated: L. acetotolerans, L. backii, L. brevis/L. brevisimilis/L. parabrevis, L. lindneri, L. casei/ L paracasei, L. …

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12 strips à 8 tubes (one strip per sample, tube 2 contains lyticase) for 12 samples. Q081
GEN-IAL® Biogenic amines

Real-time PCR kit for the detection of biogenic amines producing lactic acid bacteria in wine.

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50 reactions Q345
SureFast® Enterobacteriaceae Screening PLUS

The test detects Enterobacteriaceae DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions F5507
SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex

The SureFast® Parasitic Water Panel 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium spp.. Each reaction contains an internal …

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100 reactions F5506
SureFast® Legionella 3plex

The SureFast® Legionella 3plex is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Legionella spp. and Legionella pneumophila. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions F5505
SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS

The SureFast® Pseudomonas aeruginosa PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

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100 reactions F5503
SureFast® Escherichia coli PLUS

The test detects Escherichia coli DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

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100 reactions F5157
SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS

SureFast® Cronobacter sakazakii PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of Cronobacter sakazakii DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

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100 reactions F5115
SureFast® Cronobacter PLUS

The test detects Cronobacter spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

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100 reactions F5114
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Biofilm

Real-time PCR detection of Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactoccocus lactis and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, which are involved in the development of biofilms.

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50 reactions Q095
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Alicyclobacillus differentiation

Qualitative detection and identification of Alicyclobacillus spp., Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris.

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48 reactions Q724
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Dekkera bruxellensis quantitative high

Qualitative and quantitative detection of Dekkera bruxellensis in wine and grape must.

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48 reactions (freeze-dried, tubes incl. Lytikase and IC-DNA). Q371
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii high

Detection of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in wine and grape must by real-time PCR.

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48 reactions (tubes incl. Lyticase and IC-DNA) Q561
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Sample Preparation Filtration

Microbial DNA Extraction from beverages by filtration (PCR and Lysis in one step). Suitable for filterable beverages and drinking water.

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100 extractions Q004
GEN-IAL® QuickGEN Sample Preparation Centrifugation

Microbial DNA Extraction from beverages using centrifugation (PCR and Lysis in one step). Suitable for preenriched and non-preenriched samples, colonies, swabs etc.

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50-100 extractions Q002
GEN-IAL® Simplex® Easy DNA Kit

Microbial DNA extraction from beverages by centrifugation. Suitable for preenriched and non-preenriched samples, colonies, swabs etc..

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100 Extractions Q001
GEN-IAL® Simplex® Easy Wine

Microbial DNA extraction from wine by centrifugation. Suitable for white wine, red wine, most etc..

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100 Extractions Q300
Compact Dry AQ

Usage of Compact Dry AQ is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of heterotrophic water bacteria from water samples (drinking and ultrapure water). The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish …

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100 nutrient plates HS9541
Compact Dry ETC

Usage of Compact Dry ETC is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of Enterococcus in foods and water samples. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish containing a detection specific …

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100 nutrient plates HS9461
Compact Dry BC

Usage of Compact Dry BC is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of Bacillus cereus in foods or raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish containing a detection specific …

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100 nutrient plates HS9721
SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex

SureFast® EHEC/EPEC 4plex is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of DNA sequences of the virulence factors stx1 (subtype a-d), stx2 (subtype a-g), eae and the E. coli and Shigella spp. virulence factor …

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100 reactions F5128
Compact Dry X-SA

Usage of Compact Dry X-SA is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus in foods, cosmetics or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special …

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100 nutrient plates HS9621
SureFast® Legionella Screen PLUS

The test detects Legionella spp. DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).  

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100 reactions F5502
Compact Dry YM

Usage of Compact Dry YM is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of yeasts and molds in foods or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter …

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100 nutrient plates HS8801
Compact Dry TC

Usage of Compact Dry TC is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of aerobic mesophilic count in foods, cosmetics or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a …

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100 nutrient plates HS8771
Compact Dry LS

Usage of Compact Dry LS is a simple and safe test procedure for quantification of Listeria contaminations in foods or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm diameter petri dish …

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100 nutrient plates HS8811
Compact Dry ETB

Usage of Compact Dry ETB is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of Enterobacteria in foods, cosmetics or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm …

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100 nutrient plates HS9431
Compact Dry EC

Usage of Compact Dry EC is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of coliform bacteria and E. coli in foods, cosmetics, water or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist …

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100 nutrient plates HS8781
Compact Dry CF

Usage of Compact Dry CF is a simple and safe test procedure for determination and quantification of coliform bacteria in foods, cosmetics or raw materials – as well as pharmaceutical raw materials. The ready-to-use plates consist of a special 50 mm …

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100 nutrient plates HS8791
SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS

SureFast® Listeria monocytogenes PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of DNA sequences of the Listeria monocytogenes virulence-associated gene prfA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions F5113
SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS

The SureFast® Listeria Screening PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of Listeria spp.. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions F5117
SureFast® Legionella pneumophila PLUS

The test detects Legionella pneumophila DNA. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions F5501
RIDASCREEN® SET Total (96 tests)

RIDASCREEN® SET Total is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the combined detection of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E in fluid and solid foods as well as in bacterial cultures.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 breakable wells each),
96 determinations.

RIDASCREEN® SET A,B,C,D,E is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the identification of Staphylococcus enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E in fluid and solid foods as well as in bacterial cultures. Based on its sensitivity the RIDASCREEN® SET A,B,C,D,E test …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each),
one strip is necessary for analysis of one sample,
12 tests in total.
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
EuroProxima Fluoroquinolones

EuroProxima Fluoroquinolones is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of a broad range of fluoroquinolones in various matrices.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). 5101FLUQG
EuroProxima Flumequine

EuroProxima Flumequine is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for screening and quantitative analysis of flumequine in various matrices.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). 5101FLUM
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ProductoDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
VitaFast® Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid)

VitaFast® Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) is a test in microtiter plate format for the quantitative determination of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) in foods, pharmaceutical products and other sample material. Furthermore the total amount of vitamin C …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1010

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjuntion with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of biotin in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP82 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP82B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
VitaFast® Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

The VitaFast® Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total vitamin B12 (added and natural vitamin B12) in food and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1002
VitaFast® Folic Acid

The VitaFast® Folic Acid microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total folic acid (added and natural folic acid) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test system is …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1001

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC/MS-MS system for detection of folic acid in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP81 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP81B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.

RIDASCREEN®FAST Folic acid is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of added folic acid in milk, milk powder, food for special medical purpose, grain and cereals, fortified flour, vitamin powder, -mixture, -tablets and …

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R3203
VitaFast® Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

The VitaFast® Biotin microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total biotin (added and natural biotin) in food and pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test system is in accordance with …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1003
VitaFast® Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin)

The VitaFast® Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total vitamin B6 (added and natural vitamin B6) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1008
VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid

The VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total pantothenic acid (added and natural pantothenic acid) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1005
VitaFast® Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

The VitaFast® Niacin microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total niacin (added and natural niacin) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test system is in …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1004
VitaFast® Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

The VitaFast® Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total vitamin B2 (added and natural vitamin B2) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1007

RIDASCREEN®FAST Vitamin B12 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of vitamin B12 in milk, milk powder, food for special medical purpose, grain and cereals, fortified flour, vitamin powder, -mixture, -tablets, and …

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Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) R2103

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities. Novel immunoaffinity columns with built-in reservoir for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide of range …

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RBRP88 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
RBRP88B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP80 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
RBRP80B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 3 ml format.
VitaFast® Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

The VitaFast® Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total vitamin B1 (added and natural vitamin B1) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1006
VitaFast® Inositol

The VitaFast® Inositol microtiter plate test is a microbiological method for the quantitative determination of total inositol (added and native inositol) in food, animal feed and in pharmaceutical products. The microbiological test system is in …

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) P1009

Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS system for detection of biotin, folic acid and vitamin B12 in a wide range of commodities.

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RBRP183 = 10 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
RBRP183B = 50 immunoaffinity columns with 10 ml format.
Capacity = 0.45 µg biotin, 0.5 µg folic acid, 1 µg vitamin B12.
RBRP183 / RBRP183B
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