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Multi-toxin analysis with LC-MS/MS detection offers many advantages. LC-MS/MS allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple mycotoxins in a single run, making it highly efficient compared to traditional methods that often target individual mycotoxins. The ability to streamline processes, reduce resource consumption, and improve data quality makes it an attractive option across various industries.

Garantisci la sicurezza dei tuoi prodotti “senza glutine” con i nostri innovativi test per il glutine

La produzione di alimenti “gluten-free” comporta diverse fasi critiche per garantire un prodotto sicuro per i consumatori celiaci o sensibili al glutine. La conformità alle normative o alle certificazioni in materia di etichettatura senza glutine è essenziale. Dalle materie prime, al trasporto, alla produzione, allo stoccaggio fino al prodotto finale, la sfida è quella di produrre un prodotto sano e nutrizionale che soddisfi le aspettative dei consumatori e impedisca la contaminazione da glutine in ogni fase della catena produttiva.

High risk for mycotoxins this year?

This year’s wheat harvest has been challenging in many European countries due to excessive rain in late spring and early summer. DON and other trichothecenes contaminated crops in Germany, Switzerland, and France. On top of that mycotoxin regulations changed in Europe.
Yet, we got you covered with our most recent developments in mycotoxin detection and mycotoxin management!


Shrimps showing antibiotic contamination is not a new problem and still relevant! Recently, the nitrofuran antibiotic Nifursol and its metabolite DNSH have been prohibited.

Plant-Based Food Analysis

Plant-based food consists mostly or entirely of ingredients derived from plants. This includes grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Plant-based diets have gained popularity in recent years due to their environmental sustainability. Additionally, plant-based diets can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and land use compared to animal-based diets. Many people choose plant-based food to follow a plant-based diet for ethical reasons as well, as it avoids the use of animal products. There are many plant-based foods available, ranging from burgers, chicken nuggets and sausages to several milk alternatives based on almond, oat or soy.

Rapid allergen testing

The Lateral Flow tests (LFDs) incl. Hook Line from Bioavid are immunochromatographic tests for the qualitative detection of residues in environmental samples (e.g. in food production lines), CIP-water and food samples. R-Biopharm offers the new LFDs with included hook line for the five parameters almond, coconut, hazelnut, mustard and peanut – more parameters are in development!

Wine analysis

Do you want to test beer for beverage spoilers? For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in breweries, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered.

Cannabis analysis

Cannabis has been legalised in a number of countries around the world, but it may contain harmful compounds. We offer test kits to protect consumers.