RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten
Art. No. R7041

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Product info about RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten

RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten

Art. No. R7041

Intended use

Specialty ELISA test method for gluten detection in oats!
Ensures safe quantitative analysis of gluten residues from gluten-containing cereals (wheat, rye and barley) in oat and oat products.

RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay based in the R5 antibody and three other antibodies and is used for the quantitative analysis of contaminations by gluten from gluten-containing cereals (wheat, rye and barley) in oat and oat products (oat content > 50 %). Due to the combination of four different monoclonal antibodies, the RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten enables the detection of almost all gluten proteins.

The RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten is

  • validated AOAC official method of analysis (AOAC-OMA) First Action Status (2018.05).

For the analysis of oat-free food samples and samples with low oat content (< 50 %) in the RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten ELISA, an application note has been prepared (not part of the AOAC approval). For this purpose, the use of an additional reagent is necessary (RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten Additive TG, Art. No. RA0041). Further information on the use of the reagent can be found in the application note “Analysis of food samples with no or low oat content in RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten”. It is recommended to analyze samples with unknown oat content also according to this application note.


  • Detects total gluten content (no conversion factor needed)
  • Calibration against gluten
  • Quantifies gluten from wheat, rye and barley correctly

General Information

The use of gluten in foodstuffs is extremely common because of its useful effects on e.g. texture, moisture retention and flavor. However, gluten intolerance disorders like coeliac disease require a permanent gluten-free diet to avoid clinical symptoms. According to the Codex Alimentarius (CODEX STAN 118-1979) foods for special dietary use for persons intolerant to gluten may contain up to 20 mg/kg gluten to be tolerated by celiac patients. Foods containing < 20 mg/kg gluten can be labelled “gluten-free”.

The threshold of 20 mg/kg has been adopted by national legislations in many countries. Gluten of wheat, rye and barley is a mixture of prolamin and glutelin proteins. Prolamins from wheat are named gliadins. The prolamine content of wheat gluten is defined as 50 % (CODEX STAN 118-1979). R5-based ELISA methods, which have been calibrated against gliadin (prolamin part of wheat gluten), therefore need to be multiplied by factor of 2 to calculate the gluten concentration. Due to the calibration against gluten, the RIDASCREEN®Total Gluten assay provides results directly in mg/kg gluten. Thus, the calculation factor is not needed any longer.

You can find further information on the scientific background of the test system in the following documents:

  • Proceedings of the 32nd Meeting Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity edited by Peter Koehler Scientific Organisation p. 25-31 (2019)
  • Proceedings of the 33nd Meeting Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity edited by Peter Koehler Scientific Organisation p. 15-16 (2019)

Following extraction solutions are validated for this method:


Dear customers,

we provide the documents for our products in an electronic format which include the Instructions for Use (IFU), the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the Certificate of Analysis (CoA). For batches placed on the market after 01. January 2024, you can find our documents on the eIFU portal eifu.r-biopharm.com/food.

Art. NoR7041
Test formatMicrotiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each)
Sample preparationHomogenization, extraction and centrifugation
Incubation time50 min, room temperature
LOD (Detection Limit)4 mg/kg (ppm) gluten
depending on matrix
LOQ (Limit of quantification

5 mg/kg (ppm) gluten

Validated matrices

Oat products: wheat in oats, rye in oats, barley in oats, oat-based cookies, oat-based porridge, oat flour, oat flakes, oat groats, oat cereals
oat-free food samples: rice flour, corn flour, soy flour, cookies, sausage, starch, pseudo cereals, legumes, vegetarian meat alternatives

Detected analyte

• Gliadins from wheat
• Corresponding prolamins from rye and barley
• High-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits (GS) from wheat and HMW-secalins from rye as well as low-molecular-weight (LMW)-GS from wheat

Available application notes

Analysis of oat-free food samples in RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten

EvaluationMicrotiter plate spectrophotometer (450 nm)
ApprovalsAOAC-OMA 2018-15, First Action Status