Analisi delle micotossine – rapida e affidabile
Le micotossine sono metaboliti tossici prodotti dalle muffe. Possono avere gravi effetti acuti e cronici sulla salute degli esseri umani e degli animali, quindi l’analisi delle micotossine in alimenti e mangimi è necessaria e spesso richiesta per legge. I kit più moderni consentono l’analisi rapida sia qualitativa sia quantitativa delle micotossine.
Nel corso della storia le micotossine, come le conosciamo oggi, hanno alterato la qualità dei prodotti agricoli. Le principali materie prime come mais, grano, riso, soia e arachidi possono essere contaminate da micotossine, a seconda delle condizioni di crescita e di conservazione. Possono inoltre esserne colpite altre materie prime come segale, avena, nocciole, fichi, uva e spezie. Il consumo di micotossine tramite prodotti contaminati può avere effetti tossici sia acuti sia cronici sulla salute dell’uomo e degli animali. Oltre ai costi sanitari anche i fattori economici diretti hanno un ruolo molto importante a causa della diminuzione dell’efficienza nella crescita degli animali da allevamento, delle perdite commerciali dovute alle limitazioni di importazione ed esportazione nonché delle perdite dirette di valore delle colture. Per tutelare la salute dei consumatori e degli animali, in tutto il mondo sono state stabilite normative relative alle micotossine.
Offriamo test per l’analisi di tutte le micotossine più importanti, dall’aflatossina allo zearalenone. Seleziona una micotossina per scoprire di più al riguardo:
Metodi per l’analisi delle micotossine
L’analisi delle micotossine presenta un problema di fondo: le micotossine sono infatti contaminanti normalmente presenti in natura. Il loro sviluppo prima del raccolto è influenzato dalle condizioni climatiche e dalle pratiche agricole, mentre la loro crescita dopo il raccolto dipende dalle condizioni di stoccaggio. Questo pone alcune sfide sulla gestione del rischio relativa alle micotossine: dove, quando, quanto spesso e in quale quantità è infatti possibile analizzarle?
Le micotossine possono essere diffuse in modo molto disomogeneo nel prodotto e presentarsi a concentrazioni molto basse. I campioni da analizzare possono essere matrici piuttosto semplici quali grano e mais, oppure molto complesse come spezie, caffè o miscele per mangimi. È molto importante scegliere il giusto campionamento e il giusto metodo analitico per il prodotto da testare. R-Biopharm offre una vasta gamma di metodi analitici per l’analisi delle micotossine. Siamo in grado di offrirvi il tipo di test più appropriato in base alla matrice, al numero, al tempo a disposizione per l’attesa dei risultati, alla facilità d’uso e alle attrezzature a disposizione:
RIDASCREEN® | RIDA®QUICK | Schede | Colonne |
Il formato ELISA consente di testare velocemente molte materie prime per la maggior parte delle micotossine regolamentate. | Il test a flusso laterale consente decisioni rapide in loco in merito alla contaminazione da micotossine delle materie prime. I risultati possono essere letti visivamente (metodo semiquantitativo) o quantitativamente mediante lettore LFD. | Le schede AFLACARD® and OCHRACARD® sono state appositamente progettate per ottenere un risultato rapido e semiquantitativo per le materie prime più complesse. | Le colonne ad immunoaffinità (RIDA®, EASI-EXTRACT®, PREP®, RHONE®) consentono una purificazione efficiente delle micotossine per tutti i tipi di campioni prima dell’HPLC, della LC-MSMS o dell’ELISA. Le colonne di estrazione a fase solida PuriTox consentono una purificazione efficiente delle micotossine prima della TLC, dell’HPLC, della GC oppure della LC-MSMS. |
Analisi multipla delle micotossine
Alcune materie prime possono ospitare micotossine di diverso tipo. Non capita di rado di trovare diversi tricoteceni nello stesso prodotto, a volte persino in combinazione con lo zearalenone. Altre materie prime possono contenere aflatossine e ocratossine, oppure aflatossine e fumonisine. I metodi di analisi multipla sono in grado di identificare più micotossine con un unico test. Offriamo soluzioni per una preparazione efficace in vista di analisi tramite HPLC o LC-MS/MS (cromatografia liquida-spettrometria di massa).
Micotossine – materiale di riferimento
La rilevazione delle micotossine pone sfide uniche ai laboratori di analisi; matrici complesse, diffusione disomogenea e livelli particolarmente bassi solo per citarne alcune. La preparazione del campione e la scelta del corretto metodo di analisi sono quindi di importanza cruciale. Per garantire la migliore applicazione possibile dei test per le micotossine è consigliato utilizzare materiali di riferimento certificati.
Soluzioni standard di micotossine
Le soluzioni standard vengono utilizzate regolarmente per l’analisi delle micotossine. Possono essere utilizzate per preparare una curva di calibrazione per il sistema HPLC (cromatografia liquida ad alta prestazione) e assicurare così risultati accurati, aggiunte ai campioni per controllare l’efficienza di un determinato solvente nell’estrarre la tossina da alimenti specifici, oppure aggiunte ad estratti dei campioni stessi.
Product portfolio
Product | Descrizione | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
A qualitative screening card for the detection of different aflatoxin total levels in food and feed samples. Continua a leggere |
10 cards containing 20 tests and controls | RBRP38 |
A qualitative screening card for detection of aflatoxin B1 at various levels in food and feed commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 cards containing 20 tests and controls | RBRP27 |
A qualitative screening card for detection of ochratoxin A at various levels in food and feed commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 cards containing 20 tests and controls | RBRP48 |
Product | Descrizione | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
QualiT Pure™ Multi-Ergot Alkaloid MS |
Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins. Continua a leggere |
50 columns (syringe format) | TC-QP2100-50 |
QualiT Pure™ Multi-Mycotoxin |
Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins. Continua a leggere |
50 columns (syringe format) | TC-QP1000-50 |
QualiT Pure™ Multi-tox MS |
Solid phase clean-up column for the purification of multi-mycotoxins. Continua a leggere |
50 columns (syringe format) | TC-QP1100-50 |
Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of deoxynivalenol prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP902/48: 48 cartridges | RBRP902/48 |
Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of ochratoxin A prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP901/48: 48 cartridges, RBRP901: 96 cartridges |
RBRP901 / RBRP901/48 |
Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of aflatoxins M1 prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP904/48: 48 cartridges | RBRP904/48 |
Online immunoaffinity cartridges used in conjunction with the CHRONECT Symbiosis RIDA®CREST system for the automated clean-up and analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 prior to HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP900/48: 48 cartridges, RBRP900: 96 cartridges |
RBRP900 / RBRP900/48 |
11⁺Myco MS-PREP® |
Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, fumonisins B1 and B2, Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP128: 10 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format), RBRP128B: 50 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format) |
RBRP128 / RBRP128B |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of citrinin in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRDP126), 25 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP126) |
RBRDP126 / RBRP126 |
PuriTox Total Myco-MS |
Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of 11 mycotoxins. PuriTox Total Myco-MS® (Art. No. TC-MT3000) can be used for the simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A, fumonisins B1 and B2, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, … Continua a leggere |
25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) | TC-MT3000 |
The procedure is based on monoclonal antibody technology, which makes the test highly specific, sensitive, rapid and simple to perform. Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk and … Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP124), 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP124B) |
RBRP124 / RBRP124B |
AOF MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against aflatoxin, ochratoxin A and fumonisin. The columns lead not only to a clean-up of the sample but also to a selective purification of the mycotoxins. … Continua a leggere |
RBRP115: 10 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format), RBRP115B: 50 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format) |
RBRP115 / RBRP115B |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of ochratoxin A in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14) 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP14B) 500 columns (3ml format) (RBRP14/500) |
RBRP14 / RBRP14B |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of zearalenone in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP91), 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP90) |
EASI-EXTRACT® T-2 and HT-2 |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43), 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP43B) |
RBRP43 / RBRP43B |
Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC for detection of patulin in apple juice and apple purée. Continua a leggere |
RBRP250: 10 columns (3 ml format), RBRP250B: 50 columns (3 ml format) |
RBRP250 / RBRP250B |
RIDA® Ochratoxin A column |
RIDA® Ochratoxin A column are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of Ochratoxin A in food and feed. Continua a leggere |
10 immunoaffinity columns | R1303 |
Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and ochratoxin A in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP89: 10 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format), RBRP89B: 50 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) |
RBRP89 / RBRP89B |
DZT MS-PREP® immunoaffinity columns contain highly specific monoclonal antibodies directed against DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxin. The columns lead not only to a clean-up of the sample but also to a selective purification of the mycotoxins. … Continua a leggere |
RBRP73: 10 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format), RBRP73B: 50 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) |
RBRP73 / RBRP73B |
Multi-mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for simultaneous detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, ochratoxin A and zearalenone in a wide range of commodities in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
RBRP112: 10 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format), RBRP112B: 50 immunoaffinity columns (3 ml format) |
RBRP112 / RBRP112B |
Immunoaffinity columns are used in conjunction with HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of fumonisins B1 and B2 in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRDP31), 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP31B) |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of deoxynivalenol in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50) 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP50B) |
RBRP50 / RBRP50B |
Immunoaffinity columns for use in conjunction with an HPLC or LC-MS/MS for detection of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2 in a wide range of commodities. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP71) 50 columns (3 ml format) (RBRRP70N) 500 columns (3 ml format) (RBRP70N/500) |
RIDA® Aflatoxin column |
RIDA® Aflatoxin columns (Art. No. R5001/R5002) are immunoaffinity columns for sample clean up prior to analysis of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in food and feed. The columns are particularly suited for the clean up of difficult sampIes such as nuts, … Continua a leggere |
10 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5001), 50 immunoaffinity columns (1 ml format) (R5002) |
R5001 / R5002 |
PuriTox Aflatoxin |
Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 from peanuts. Continua a leggere |
50 columns (syringe format) | RBRP25 |
The procedure is based on monoclonal antibody technology, which makes the test highly specific, sensitive, rapid and simple to perform. Continua a leggere |
10 columns (1 ml format) (RBRDP07) 50 columns (1 ml format) (RBRP07) 500 columns ( 1ml format) (RBRP07/500) |
RBRDP07 / RBRP07 |
PuriTox Trichothecene |
Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of cereal samples to detect trichothecenes. PuriTox Trichothecene can be used for the simultaneous detection of type A and B trichothecenes by GC and LC-MS/MS. Continua a leggere |
25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) | TC-T220 |
PuriTox AflaZON |
Solid phase clean-up columns for the purification of aflatoxins and zearalenone from cereals. Continua a leggere |
25 solid phase clean-up columns (syringe format) | TC-M160 |
Product | Descrizione | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
EuroProxima Ochratoxin A |
EuroProxima Ochratoxin A is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of ochratoxin A in corn, wheat, red wine, white wine, must, roasted coffee, instant coffee, green coffee, cocoa, figs and raisins. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). | 5121OTA |
EuroProxima Aflatoxin B1 sensitive |
EuroProxima Aflatoxin B1 sensitive is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of aflatoxin B1 in cereals, nuts, feed, infant food, liver, red pepper and serum. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). | 5121AFBS |
EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 sensitive |
EuroProxima PLUS Aflatoxin M1 sensitive is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk, cheese, butter and infant formula. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). | 5121AFMS |
RIDASCREEN® Fumonisin ECO is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of fumonisin in corn and feed. Please note: it will replace the previous test kit RIDASCREEN® Fumonisin (Art. No. R3401) soon. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R3411 |
RIDASCREEN® Ochratoxin A 30/15 |
RIDASCREEN® Ochratoxin A 30/15 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of ochratoxin A in corn, wheat, barley, rye, rice and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). | R1312 |
RIDASCREEN® T-2 / HT-2 Toxin |
RIDASCREEN® T-2 / HT-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of the sum of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in oats, corn (maize), barley and wheat. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R3805 |
RIDASCREEN® Zearalenon |
RIDASCREEN® Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone residues in cereals, feed, beer, serum and urine. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each). | R1401 |
RIDASCREEN® DON is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of DON in cereals, malt, feed, beer and wort. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R5906 |
RIDASCREEN® T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R3801 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R5505 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Zearalenon is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of zearalenone in cereals and feed. The test was validated with different matrices of cereals and composed feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R5502 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST T-2 Toxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of T-2 toxin in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R5302 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Ochratoxin A is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of ochratoxin A in corn, wheat, barley, oats (grains) and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R5402 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST DON SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of DON in cereals, malt and feed with a sinlge control standard curve. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each). | R5905 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST DON is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of DON in cereals, malt and feed. Continua a leggere |
R5901: microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) R5902: microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) |
R5901 / R5902 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Citrinin assay is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of citrinin in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R6302 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin SC is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in cereals and feed with a single control standard curve. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R9002 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Aflatoxin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 wells each) | R5202 |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin Total |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin Total is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of aflatoxins in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R4701 |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin B1 30/15 |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin B1 30/15 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of aflatoxin B1 in cereals and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R1211 |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin M1 |
RIDASCREEN® Aflatoxin M1 is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk powder. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) | R1121 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Fumonisin ECO is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of fumonisin in corn and feed. Continua a leggere |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R5603 |
Product | Descrizione | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
RIDA®QUICK Mycotoxin ECO Extractor |
Universal extraction buffer for RIDA®QUICK mycotoxin test kits. Continua a leggere |
110 mL (10x concentrate) | R5000 |
RIDA®QUICK Ochratoxin ECO |
RIDA®QUICK Ochratoxin ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in strip format for the quantitative determination of ochratoxin in corn and wheat. Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5404 |
RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in a test strip format to determine aflatoxin (sum B1, B2, G1, G2) in corn. The test uses an aqueous extraction method. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software … Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5209 |
RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS |
RIDA®QUICK Aflatoxin RQS is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in strip format for the determination of aflatoxin in corn. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000). Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5208 |
RIDA®QUICK DON RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic test with water extraction in a test strip format to determine DON in grains (wheat, corn, barley, oats). Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000) or … Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5911 |
RIDA®QUICK T-2 / HT-2 RQS ECO is a immunochromatographic test in strip format for the quantitative determination of the sum of T-2 / HT-2 toxin in oats, wheat and corn (maize). Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. … Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5304 |
RIDA®QUICK Zearalenon RQS |
RIDA®QUICK Zearalenon RQS is a quantitative immunochromatographic test in strip format for the detemination of zearalenone in corn. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000) or the RIDA®QUICK SCAN reader. Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5504 |
RIDA®QUICK Fumonisin RQS ECO is a quantitative immunochromatographic strip test with an aqueous extraction method for the detection of fumonisin in corn. Results are evaluated with the RIDA®SMART APP software (Art. No. ZRSAM1000) or the RIDA®QUICK … Continua a leggere |
20 x test strips | R5606 |