Adulteration of milk
Reliable tests for cow, sheep and goat milk products

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Adulteration of milk

Economic motivations for food adulteration

Food products are often adulterated with additives for economic reasons. This practice, while financially motivated, significantly reduces the quality of the final product. For example, the admixture of significantly cheaper cow’s milk into high-quality sheep or goat milk products compromises the intended purity and quality of these specialty items.

Adulteration of goat and sheep milk products: The role of CIS-Casein

Goat’s and sheep’s cheeses have become increasingly popular in recent years, leading to a surge in production. However, the availability of goat and sheep milk is subject to seasonal fluctuations, which has led to the common practice of adding cow’s milk to these products. This practice, while economically advantageous, can mislead consumers and affect product integrity. According to EU Directive No. 273/2008, the addition of cow’s milk to goat and sheep milk products is regulated, with a permissible limit set at 0.5%. To comply with these regulations and ensure product quality, rigorous testing is essential.

Our product line includes several tests specifically designed to detect cow’s milk in sheep’s and goat’s milk products. These tests help manufacturers verify that their high-quality products remain free from adulterating additives. Isoelectric focusing for the detection of γ-casein, a form of CIS-casein, is currently the only reference method available for detecting cow casein in goat or sheep cheese or milk. This complex analysis requires a well-equipped laboratory. Additionally, immunochromatographic techniques provide a viable alternative for verifying the presence of cow’s milk in these products.

Melamine adulteration: A case study

The 2008 Chinese milk scandal serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of milk adulteration. In an effort to cut costs, some producers in China diluted milk with water and added melamine, a nitrogen-rich organic compound, to artificially enhance the protein content. This adulterated milk was used in baby food products such as milk powder, leading to severe health consequences. Thousands of infants in China suffered from kidney stones and kidney dysfunction, with some cases resulting in death. This scandal underscored the critical need for stringent regulatory oversight and comprehensive testing protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future.

In response to the melamine scandal, authorities worldwide introduced stricter limit values and more rigorous control measures to ensure the safety and integrity of milk products. These measures include regular monitoring and advanced testing techniques to detect and prevent the adulteration of milk with harmful substances.

Importance of advanced testing and regulatory compliance

Ensuring the safety and quality of milk products requires a combination of advanced testing methods and strict adherence to regulatory standards. Our range of testing solutions enables producers to detect and quantify adulterants in milk products, safeguarding consumer health and maintaining trust in food quality. By employing techniques such as isoelectric focusing and immunochromatographic assays, manufacturers can accurately identify the presence of unauthorized additives, ensuring their products meet both national and international standards.

Key benefits of monitoring milk adulteration

  • Consumer protection: Ensures that consumers receive pure and authentic milk products, free from adulteration.
  • Regulatory compliance: Helps manufacturers meet legal standards and regulations for milk products, preventing legal issues and penalties.
  • Quality assurance: Maintains the integrity and quality of milk products by detecting adulteration with cheaper alternatives such as cow’s milk in sheep or goat milk products.
  • Health safety: Prevents the risks associated with adulterated milk products, such as exposure to harmful substances like melamine.
  • Advanced detection methods: Utilizes sophisticated techniques like isoelectric focusing and immunochromatographic tests to accurately identify and quantify adulterants in milk products.


Monitoring milk adulteration is crucial for ensuring the safety, quality, and authenticity of milk products. By implementing reliable detection methods, manufacturers can protect consumers, comply with regulatory standards, and maintain the integrity of their products. Advanced testing techniques provide accurate and efficient identification of adulterants, supporting robust quality control processes and safeguarding public health.

Product portfolio

ProductDescriptionNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
EuroProxima Plus Cow´s Milk

A competitive enzyme immunoassay for the detection of raw and heat-treated cow’s milk in milk from other species.

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Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 wells each) 5171MILK
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ProductDescriptionNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

RIDA®QUICK CIS is an immunochromatographic test for the detection cow’s milk in milk or cheese of other species (sheep and goat).

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25 x reaction strips (one for each determination). R4303
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ProductDescriptionNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

The product is a heparin affinity column that binds lactoferrin and separates it from other proteins ensuring accurate, reliable results across diverse applications.

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5 columns (i.e. up to 50 tests) (3 ml format) (RBRP700/5)
25 columns (i.e. up to 250 tests) (3 ml format) (RBRP700/25)
RBRP700/5 / RBRP700/25
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