Gliadine / Gluten (ELISA – bandelettes – PCR)
Kits de test de détection du gluten dans les aliments
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Gliadine / Gluten (ELISA – bandelettes – PCR)
Les personnes atteintes d’une maladie cœliaque doivent éviter les aliments contenant du gluten (gliadine). De plus, les consommateurs sont de plus en plus nombreux à éviter les aliments contenant du gluten (gliadine).
Produire des produits sains et savoureux sans gluten est parfois compliqué. Les fabricants d’aliments sans gluten doivent s’assurer que leurs produits répondent aux exigences légales relatives aux aliments sans gluten. L’analyse du gluten (gliadine) constitue l’un des principaux éléments du contrôle qualité. Nous proposons une large gamme de tests, sous forme de kit complet, permettant de contrôler la qualité de vos produits afin d’obtenir le label “Gluten-Free”
Bandelette – validée AOAC-OMA – pour l’analyse du gluten (gliadine)
Conçue dans un premier temps pour le contrôle des surfaces et des zones de production, la bandelette RIDA®QUICK Gliadin permet également une analyse fiable et sûre sur les aliments. Possédant l’anticorps R5 la bandelette de dosage du gluten (gliadine) RIDA®QUICK est à ce jour validée AOAC.
La bandelette RIDA®QUICK Gliadin est le système le plus simple et le plus fiable pour l’analyse sur les surfaces !
Extraction du gluten (gliadine)
Après avoir vérifié l’absence de traces de gluten dans votre environnement de production, il est nécessaire de tester les matières premières ainsi que les produits finis. Une extraction efficace du gluten (gliadine) est une étape cruciale de l’analyse. Selon l’aliment à tester et le test choisi, il faudra s’orienter vers une extraction à l’éthanol ou à l’aide du cocktail breveté de Mendez.
L’extraction à l’éthanol peut être effectuée en combinaison avec les tests RIDASCREEN® Gliadin compétitif ou RIDA®QUICK Gliadin. La solution cocktail peut être utilisée en combinaison avec les tests RIDASCREEN® Gliadin, RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin ou RIDA®QUICK Gliadin :
Test ELISA pour l’analyse du gluten (gliadine)
Pour réaliser des séries analytiques, diminuer les coûts et analyser tous types d’aliments, les tests ELISA restent un choix évident ! Il en existe deux types, le test ELISA dit sandwich, validé et conseillé pour tester la majorité des produits alimentaires, le test ELISA dit compétitif pour les produits fermentés ou ayant été hydrolysés comme la bière, les sirops ou le levain.
Tous les kits d’analyse R-Biopharm mentionnés possèdent l’anticorps R5 (Mendez). La norme 118-1979 (2008) du codex alimentarius spécifie que le test ELISA utilisant l’anticorps R5 est la méthode standard pour le dosage et la détection du gluten. Les tests RIDASCREEN® Gliadin ELISA et RIDASCREEN® Gliadin compétitif figurent parmi les méthodes d’analyse officielles de l’AOAC.
Test de PCR pour l’analyse du gluten
De plus en plus utilisés pour leur simplicité d’utilisation les kits PCR de notre gamme SureFood permettent de confirmer la présence de céréales dans un aliment. Nos systèmes permettent aussi une quantification et une harmonisation des extractions pour l’ensemble des allergènes.
Présentation du produit
Consultez notre brochure gratuite pour une présentation détaillée de nos kits d’analyse du gluten.
Product portfolio
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
!NEW! Improved fast ELISA for gluten detection! Ensure a safe, fast and easy quantitative analysis of gluten residues from wheat, rye and barley in foods within 30 minutes. – EASY extraction procedure by using the extraction tablet – … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | RAE7071 |
RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten |
Specialty ELISA test method for gluten detection in oats! Ensures safe quantitative analysis of gluten residues from gluten-containing cereals (wheat, rye and barley) in oat and oat products. RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R7041 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive |
Fast and sensitive ELISA test method for gluten detection Ensures a safe, fast and sensitive quantitative analysis of gluten residues from gluten containing cereals (wheat, rye and barley). RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive is a R5-based sandwich … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R7051 |
Reference ELISA test method for gluten detection! Ensure safe quantitative analysis of prolamins from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in food with the reference method. The RIDASCREEN® Gliadin in combination with the Cocktail … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R7001 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Milk is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay to quantify milk proteins (casein and ß-lactoglobulin) in food containing whey, milk or milk powder such as sausages, ice cream, chocolate, bakery goods, cake and bread mix, soups, sauces, … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R4652 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST β-Lactoglobulin |
RIDASCREEN®FAST β-Lactoglobulin is a sandwich enzyme mmunoassay for the quantitative analysis of native and processed β-lactoglobulin in rice crispies, chocolate and sausage. En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R4912 |
RIDASCREEN® ß-Lactoglobulin |
RIDASCREEN® ß-Lactoglobulin is a competitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of β-lactoglobulin in hydrolyzed milk products including hypoallergenic baby food. The assay is calibrated to hydrolyzed β-lactoglobulin check … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R4901 |
RIDASCREEN® Gliadin competitive |
Specialty ELISA test method (competitive) for gluten detection in fermented and hydrolyzed food! Ensures safe quantitative analysis of prolamine peptide fragments from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in fermented or hydrolysed … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R7021 |
Fast ELISA test method for gluten detection! Ensures a safe and fast quantitative analysis of prolamins from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin) and barley (hordein) in food. RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative … En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R7002 |
RIDASCREEN®FAST Casein is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative analysis of casein in food like bakery goods, cake and bread mix, non-hydrolyzed milk-based infant formula, ice cream, beverages, chocolate, wine and sausages. En savoir plus |
Microtiter plate with 48 wells (6 strips with 8 removable wells each) | R4612 |
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific almond (Prunus dulcis), pistachio (Pistacia vera) and cashew (Anacardium occidentale) DNA … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3406 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of almond (Prunus dulcis), cashew (Anacardium occidentale), pistachio (Pistacia vera), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), hazelnut … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3404 |
SureFood® 4plex LEGUMES |
The SureFood® 4plex LEGUMES is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific DNA sequences of legumes (Fabaceae), bean (Phaseolus spp. and Vigna spp.) and pea (Pisum sativum). En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S7008 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Cereals |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Cereals is a multiplex real-time PCR test for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific wheat (Triticum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and rye (Secale cereale) DNA sequences in food. Each reaction … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S7006 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia / Brazil Nut / Pecan + IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia/Brazil Nut/Pecan + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia), brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) and pecan (Carya … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3403 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific gluten-containing cereals (wheat such as spelt and khorasan wheat, rye, barley, oats) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3606 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific celery (Apium graveolens), mustard (Brassica carinata, Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra, … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3401 |
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut / Hazelnut / Walnut + IAC |
The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut/Hazelnut/Walnut+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific Peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Hazelnut (Corylus maxima) and Walnut (Juglans regia, Juglans nigra) … En savoir plus |
100 reactions | S3402 |
Produit | Description | No. of tests/amount | Art. No. |
RIDA®QUICK Gluten quant. |
Fastest and most simple quantitative LFD method for gluten detection! Ensures a safe, fast and simple quantitative analysis of gluten residues from wheat, rye and barley on surfaces, in clean-in-place (CIP) water and in foods (raw and processed) in … En savoir plus |
15 test strips | RAL7073 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Casein incl. Hook line |
The Lateral Flow Casein (Milk) (Art. No. BLH714-15), with included hook line from bioavid, is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of casein residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BLH714-15 |
bioavid Lateral Flow Milk |
The Lateral Flow Milk (Art. No. BL623-15) from bioavid is an immunochromatographic test for the sensitive and qualitative detection of milk residues on surfaces (e.g. swab test for the hygiene control in food production lines), in cleaning / process … En savoir plus |
15 test strips (15 determinations) | BL623-15 |
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin |
Fast and simple qualitative LFD test method for the detection of gluten! Ensures safe, fast and simple qualitative analysis of gluten on surfaces, in clean-in-pace (CIP) water and food (raw and processed). RIDA®QUICK Gliadin is an R5-based … En savoir plus |
25 x test strips | R7003 |
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) |
Fast and simple qualitative LFD test method for the detection of gluten! Ensures safe, fast and simple qualitative analysis of gluten on surfaces, in clean-in-place (CIP) water and food (raw and processed). RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) is … En savoir plus |
25 x test strips (single packaged) |
R7004 |
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (ready to swab) |
Fast and simple qualitative LFD test method for the detection of gluten by direct swabbing of surfaces! Ensures safe, fast and simple qualitative analysis of gluten on surfaces and in clean-in-pace (CIP) waters. The kit variant RIDA®QUICK Gliadin … En savoir plus |
25 x test strips (single packaged), 25 prefilled vials with ready-to-use sample buffer, for 25 determinations |
R7005 |