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Sie suchen weiterführende Informationen zum Thema Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelanalytik? Sie möchten mehr über unsere Produkte und Technologien erfahren? Unser Medienbereich bietet Ihnen informative Broschüren, Flyer und Publikationen sowie Schulungsvideos.
Animal species detection(1)
Food adulteration(1)
Food allergens(9)
Genetisch veränderte Organismen(3)
Geräte & Software(14)

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Allergen detection solutions

What method should I choose for food allergen testing? This short video guides you through the different technology platforms we offer for food allergen analysis. Have a look and choose the method that meets your requirements!


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How to easily screen for beer spoilage bacteria and yeast

This video gives a brief overview of the DNA preparation and real-time PCR set-up when analyzing beer samples for beerspoilage bacteria and yeast.


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How to easily screen for beer spoilage bacteria and yeast

This video gives a brief overview of the DNA preparation and real-time PCR set-up when analyzing beer samples for beerspoilage bacteria and yeast.

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Climate change and Mycotoxins

The occurrence of mycotoxins is as we all know very much on the weather during critical stages of the growth of the plant. For example, rain and moderate temperatures during the flowering of wheat leads to a higher risk of Fusarium toxins. I remember our colleague from France not only watched the Roland Garros tennis tournament because of the tennis, but also because of the weather. Rain during Roland Garros means DON in the field according to him.

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Begin with the End in Mind

R-Biopharm Podcast “food for thoughts about food and feed testing”. In thispodcast we will expand a bit more on the background of food analysis testing. The influence of some critical steps prior to the actual testing: Sampling, grinding size and test sample size.

Plant based foods

Ensuring safe and nutritious plant-based foods with products from R-Biopharm

  • Comprehensive solutions: Find all the necessary test kits for streamlined testing processes
  • Time and cost efficiency: Save time & resources with a consolidated approach
  • Expert support: Benefit from our experienced team’s guidance & insights


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Beer spoilage

The history of beer spoilage bacteria and yeast detection.
Since several thousand years, lots of ancient cultures discovered the nice effect wet storage cereal might have by alcohol production — without knowing scientific details of the process. However, the beer production by trial and error was one of the first human-driven industrial biotechnological processes.

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Maximize the Validity of your Results

Today’s topic is how to make sure your results are as correct a possible – how to maximize the validity of your results. We will discuss this with Carrie Maune and Jordon Bierbaum of Trilogy Analytical Laboratory.

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Beer spoilage

Our guest today is Dr. Martin Mehl, product manager for PCR and we will talk a bit about a very interesting topic: The quality of beer. The past years we had a real boom of microbreweries and a lot of let’s say non-regular or even experimental beer types appeared. Also, there is a strong focus of natural, local and craftmanship. How did that influence the risk of beer spoilage?


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Description of the sandwich ELISA test principle on a molecular level

Ihr Weg zu höchster Weinqualität

Analysemethoden in der Weinindustrie:

  • Modernste Technologien und Vorteile der Automatisierung von enzymatischen Analysen
  • Behalten Sie die Kontrolle über die wichtigen Weinparameter in jedem Schritt des Weinproduktionsprozesses

Allergenmanagement mit bioavid Schnelltests

Sichere Allergen-Analyse und Erkennung auch von hoch positiven Proben:

  • Ideal für die Reinigungskontrolle
  • Direkte Analyse von Spülwasserproben
  • Vielseitig – auch für die Lebensmittelanalyse einsetzbar


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Sample preparation

In one of our first videos in this R-BioTube Channel I talked about the importance of sampling. The quality of your sampling method contributes largely to the quality of your final result. Typically, more than your actual analytical method. But there is a second step that influences the quality of your result or the total analytical error: That is the sample preparation.


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