PCR en tiempo real
Diagnóstico molecular para análisis alimentario

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PCR en tiempo real

El ensayo de PCR (abreviatura de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa) es un importante método de análisis de los alimentos y de diagnóstico médico.

Los ensayos de PCR en tiempo real duplican y analizan secuencias de ADN específicas. En el análisis alimentario, los ensayos de PCR se utilizan en muchas aplicaciones, como la detección de microorganismos patogénicos, la identificación de alérgenos, la detección de organismos genéticamente modificados (GMO) o la identificación de especies animales. Los ensayos de PCR ofrecen numerosas ventajas: Son muy específicos, sensibles, sólidos, rápidos y fiables. Además, se pueden automatizar.

  • Seguro: método específico y validado
  • Fiable: kits de ensayo con control de calidad
  • Fácil de usar: preparación de muestras intuitiva y universal
  • Efectivo: capacidad para cuantificación y procesamiento múltiple
  • Versátil: numerosas áreas de aplicación

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PCR en tiempo real explicada

En todos los análisis, el primer paso consiste en un muestreo representativo y una homogeneización. Tras la lisis de las células orgánicas del tejido de alimento, el ADN se preparará mediante diferentes kits de preparación de ADN y ARN específicos, ya sea para bacterias o para virus.

Los kits SureFood® PREP Basic y SureFood® Prep Advanced se utilizan para piensos y alimentos sólidos de origen animal o vegetal. En el caso de las bebidas, se utilizan kits de preparación de ADN específicos dependiendo de la matriz, mientras que la nueva gama de productos QuickGEN permite una manipulación sumamente sencilla.

El sistema modular de preparación del ADN y detección de ADN se puede utilizar de forma independiente. La amplificación del ADN de destino requiere, además de los kits apropiados, el uso de un termociclador adecuado con entre dos (FAM/HEX) y cuatro (FAM/HEX/ROX/Cy5) canales de detección.

Áreas de aplicación de PCR en el análisis de alimentos

Las alergias alimentarias pueden provocar reacciones alérgicas graves. Para proteger a los clientes, los productos alimentarios se deben analizar para determinar la presencia de sustancias alergénicas. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de kits de PCR para la detección de alérgenos como soja, avellana, cacahuete, gluten, almendra, apio, sésamo, mostaza, pescado o crustáceos. También ofrecemos ensayos múltiples para detección simultánea de varios alérgenos (cacahuete/avellana/nuez y apio/soja/mostaza).

La especificación de la especie es de interés especial: los productos cárnicos se pueden falsificar por medio de una declaración incorrecta (como en el escándalo de la carne de caballo). Otra de sus aplicaciones es la garantía del cumplimiento de prescripciones dietéticas de carácter religioso (halal, kosher). Nuestra gama de productos SureFood® Animal ID permite un análisis de mayor sensibilidad de muchos tipos de carne (cerdo, ternera, caballo, asno, pollo, pavo y otras especies). Con la línea de productos SureFood® Fish ID, ofrecemos una amplia gama de kits de PCR para la identificación de especies ícticas.

Durante la producción de bebidas, la detección de elementos que favorecen el deterioro es crucial. Con la línea de productos GEN-IAL®, ofrecemos una amplia gama de kits de cribado para la detección de organismos que causan el deterioro durante la producción de cerveza y vino, por ejemplo, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Megasphaera, Pectinatus, Dekkera bruxellensis o Oenococcus oeni. Los kits de ensayo se pueden utilizar tanto para control durante el proceso como para control del producto final.

En años recientes, la producción mundial de alimentos modificados genéticamente se ha incrementado paulatinamente. Desde que se estableció el etiquetado obligatorio de los productos alimentarios que contienen organismos modificados genéticamente (GMO), la demanda de métodos de ensayo de alta sensibilidad se ha incrementado. Nuestra gama de productos SureFood® GMO permite la detección cuantitativa y cualitativa de GMO, como maíz modificado genéticamente, arroz LibertyLink o soja Roundup Ready.

La detección de la contaminación microbiológica es uno de los principales campos de aplicación del PCR en análisis alimentario. Nuestra gama de productos SureFast® detecta una amplia gama de bacterias patogénicas (por ejemplo, Salmonella, Listeria, Legionella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter), virus (por ejemplo, norovirus, hepatitis y gripe), así como levaduras y moho, en los alimentos.

Descripción de productos de PCR en tiempo real

Encontrará un amplio resumen de los kits de ensayo de PCR SureFood® / SureFast® en nuestro folleto gratuito.

Product portfolio

ProductDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800

The TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800 (Taiwan Advanced Nanotech) is a fully automated operating instrument for nucleic acid purification and isolation using magnetic beads and rods. The instrument uses the TANBead patented Maelstrom Spin Mixing Technology to …

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Up to 48 samples ZMAL48
SureFast® Mag PREP Food

The kit is intended to be used for isolation of animal and plant DNA from food and feed as well as bacterial DNA from bacterial culture enrichments with the TANBead® Maelstrom 4800. Standardization and harmonization of methods Reduction of errors …

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96 preparations F1060
SureFood® Apricot

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of apricot (Prunus armenica). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions S7007
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ProductDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex SEAFOOD is a multiplex real-time PCR for the qualitative detection and differentiation of specific fish, crustaceans and molluscs DNA.

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100 reactions S3405
SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Coconut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific coconut (Cocos nucifera) DNA sequences in food.

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100 reactions S3621
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Almond/Pistachio/Cashew+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific almond (Prunus dulcis), pistachio (Pistacia vera) and cashew (Anacardium occidentale) DNA …

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100 reactions S3406
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex EU NUTS is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of almond (Prunus dulcis), cashew (Anacardium occidentale), pistachio (Pistacia vera), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), hazelnut …

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100 reactions S3404
SureFood® 4plex LEGUMES

The SureFood® 4plex LEGUMES is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific DNA sequences of legumes (Fabaceae), bean (Phaseolus spp. and Vigna spp.) and pea (Pisum sativum).

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100 reactions S7008
SureFood® ALLERGEN Shea Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Shea Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific shea nut (Vitellaria paradoxa) DNA sequences in raw material.

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100 reactions S3622
SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Beechnut is a real-time PCR for the direct qualitative detection of specific beechnut (Fagus sylvatica) DNA sequences in food.

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100 reactions S3628
SureFood® ALLERGEN Insects

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Insects is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific insects (Insecta) DNA sequences.

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100 reactions S3626
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pine Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of specific pine nut (Pinus spp.) DNA sequences in food. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions S3624
SureFood® ALLERGEN Buckwheat

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Buckwheat is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) DNA sequences. For the quantitative determination the use of the laboratory reference …

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100 reactions S3620
TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800

The TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800 (Taiwan Advanced Nanotech) is a fully automated operating instrument for nucleic acid purification and isolation using magnetic beads and rods. The instrument uses the TANBead patented Maelstrom Spin Mixing Technology to …

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Up to 48 samples ZMAL48
SureFast® Mag PREP Food

The kit is intended to be used for isolation of animal and plant DNA from food and feed as well as bacterial DNA from bacterial culture enrichments with the TANBead® Maelstrom 4800. Standardization and harmonization of methods Reduction of errors …

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96 preparations F1060
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Cereals

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Cereals is a multiplex real-time PCR test for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific wheat (Triticum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and rye (Secale cereale) DNA sequences in food. Each reaction …

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100 reactions S7006
SureFood® Apricot

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of apricot (Prunus armenica). Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions S7007
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia / Brazil Nut / Pecan + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Macadamia/Brazil Nut/Pecan + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia), brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) and pecan (Carya …

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100 reactions S3403
SureFood® ALLERGEN Oat

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of oat (Avena sativa) qualitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).

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100 reactions S7004
SureFood® ALLERGEN Mustard

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Mustard is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific white mustard (Sinapis alba), indian mustard (Brassica juncea) und black mustard (Brassica nigra) DNA sequences according to …

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100 reactions S3609
SureFood® ALLERGEN Lupin

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of lupin (Lupinus spp.) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of the …

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100 reactions S3611
SureFood® ALLERGEN Celery

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of celery (Apium graveolens) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3605
SureFood® ALLERGEN Molluscs

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Molluscs is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific molluscs (mollusca) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 in food. The molluscs family contains 50,000 – …

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100 reactions S3613
SureFood® ALLERGEN Fish

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Fish is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific fish DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. The group of fishes contains about 30000 species. Due to the large …

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100 reactions S3610
SureFood® ALLERGEN Crustaceans

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Crustaceans is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific crustaceans (Crustacea) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. The crustacean family contains about 44,000 …

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100 reactions S3612
SureFood® ALLERGEN Sesame

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of sesame (Sesamum indicum) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3608
SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Walnut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific walnut (Juglans regia and Juglans nigra) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination …

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100 reactions S3607
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pistachio is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pistachio (Pistacia vera) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3614
SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Pecan is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific pecan (Carya illinoinensis) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3618
SureFood® ALLERGEN Peanut

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3603
SureFood® ALLERGEN Macadamia

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of macadamia (Macadamia ternifolia) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the …

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100 reactions S3616
SureFood® ALLERGEN Hazelnut

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of hazelnut (Corylus avellana, Corylus maxima) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative …

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100 reactions S3602
SureFood® ALLERGEN Cashew

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the …

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100 reactions S3615
SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Brazil Nut is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) 1169/2011. For the quantitative determination …

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100 reactions S3617
SureFood® ALLERGEN Almond

The real-time PCR test detects DNA of almond (Prunus dulcis) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of …

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100 reactions S3604
SureFood® ALLERGEN Soya

The real-time PCR test detects soya DNA (Glycine max) according to directive (EC) 1169/2011 qualitatively and / or quantitatively. Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC). For the quantitative determination the use of the …

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100 reactions S3601
SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten

The SureFood® ALLERGEN Gluten is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative and / or quantitative detection of specific gluten-containing cereals (wheat such as spelt and khorasan wheat, rye, barley, oats) DNA sequences according to directive (EC) …

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100 reactions S3606
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Soya / Celery / Mustard + IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific celery (Apium graveolens), mustard (Brassica carinata, Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra, …

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100 reactions S3401
SureFood® QUANTARD Allergen 40

SureFood® QUANTARD Allergen 40 is a laboratory reference material developed for quantification in the range of 1 – 400 mg allergenic substance / kg food. It is verified in combination with the DNA extraction method SureFood® PREP Advanced …

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1x 2 g S3301
SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut / Hazelnut / Walnut + IAC

The SureFood® ALLERGEN 4plex Peanut/Hazelnut/Walnut+IAC is a multiplex real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of specific Peanut (Arachis hypogaea), Hazelnut (Corylus maxima) and Walnut (Juglans regia, Juglans nigra) …

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100 reactions S3402
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ProductDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800

The TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800 (Taiwan Advanced Nanotech) is a fully automated operating instrument for nucleic acid purification and isolation using magnetic beads and rods. The instrument uses the TANBead patented Maelstrom Spin Mixing Technology to …

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Up to 48 samples ZMAL48
SureFast® Mag PREP Food

The kit is intended to be used for isolation of animal and plant DNA from food and feed as well as bacterial DNA from bacterial culture enrichments with the TANBead® Maelstrom 4800. Standardization and harmonization of methods Reduction of errors …

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96 preparations F1060
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ProductDescripciónNo. of tests/amountArt. No.
TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800

The TANBead Maelstrom™ 4800 (Taiwan Advanced Nanotech) is a fully automated operating instrument for nucleic acid purification and isolation using magnetic beads and rods. The instrument uses the TANBead patented Maelstrom Spin Mixing Technology to …

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Up to 48 samples ZMAL48
SureFast® Mag PREP Food

The kit is intended to be used for isolation of animal and plant DNA from food and feed as well as bacterial DNA from bacterial culture enrichments with the TANBead® Maelstrom 4800. Standardization and harmonization of methods Reduction of errors …

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96 preparations F1060
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